Pinoys may be known to start celebrating the Christmas season in September, with the “glitch” of Halloween and Undas in the middle before December comes. Now that those two events are over, many of us are focusing on Christmas, including commercial establishments and e-commerce sites that are using the season…
Ang sarap nga naman balikan iyong nakaraan nung bata pa ako at Krismas na. I swear I could smell Christmas (yes, literally) in the air. To me, the mixture of excitement, anticipation, and happiness that vacation was approaching has this particular poignant smell. Delicious Christmas aromas that came from a very…
We talk a lot in this blog about trending colors and interior design styles. But we don’t expect you to jump on the bandwagon, which is why we usually say to know yourself well and how you live, then create the best home for you. Years ago, I wrote about…
Midcentury modern (MCM) interior design is one of my favorites, like countless other people around the world. This style may have started in the 1940s, but we can still see so much of it echoed in today’s homes and commercial spaces. Before we dive into the attraction for this interior…
Christmas traffic jams. Christmas shopping and sales. Christmas parties. Nowadays, these are the things that punctuate this merry season. With that said, there still exists enduring and truly Pinoy elements that color our Christmas culture. Parol A prominent symbol of a Pinoy Christmas is the parol. The parol, whose name…
Tis the season! Let’s get your home ready for the Christmas celebrations to come. Here are a few chosen colors to bring your walls some holiday cheer. Star of Gold BCP-0323 No Christmas tree is complete without the gold star on top. We know it may seem odd to pick…
This second Christmas mini makeover is, as Jean describes it, an eclectic look that combines boho and cottagecore with a Filipino twist. Watch the video to see what she means. Cottagecore The cottagecore interior design style came out during the pandemic, when people were imagining rural life and…
After Undas, comes the big celebration of the year. The Christmas season is waiting in the wings so if you want to dress up your home for the Yuletide, then now is the time to unpack all the tinsel and baubles. The tree is arguably the pièce de résistance. If…
Some of my fondest memories about Christmas when I was growing up are from the traditions that my family would do each year. It can be different for every household. For some, it’s setting up the Christmas tree, for others, it’s pouring over hours to perfect the signature family dish…