I don’t know about you but I normally have some germophobic tendencies. With this virus flying around, coupled with my fertile imagination, this has bloomed to a healthy mysophobia. The…
I got the condo unit in 2014 as my first adulting investment and also ‘cos my Dad asked me, “When are you moving out?”. Welllllll! That certainly was a wake…
Bluprint came out with several articles on designs of architects for COVID-19 quarantine spaces. Under DOH Memorandum 2020-0108, “persons under investigation (PUIs) and positive COVID-19 patients who exhibit mild symptoms…
A week into the Extreme Enhanced Community Quarantine, I have managed to lessen my anxiety. Or maybe, I’m just in denial. I don’t know yet, the next few days will…
This post is a temporary escape mechanism for me as a relief to the dread that this coronavirus crisis brings. What gets me are not so much the statistics but…
I went out to buy groceries yesterday, the air smelled of disinfectant and collective anxiety. I haven’t been this anxious in my life. I worry a lot on a regular…
A dictionary defines homebound as: 1 (adj.) moving or traveling homeward, 2 (adj) restricted or confined to home. For me, homebound can also have a positive connotation—being blessed by having a…