We spend almost a third of our lives sleeping. Therefore, we probably invest the most amount of time at home in our bedrooms. However, our bedrooms aren’t just spaces for snoozing. It’s where we relax and unwind after a long and tiring day. Make sure your bedroom is as relaxing and cozy as it can be with the Awakening Color Palette of Boysen Color Trend 2024/2025.

Calm Mind & Hazy Dream

Bedroom Hues with the Awakening Color Palette | MyBoysen

Sometimes, it can be hard to shut our brains off after a particularly hectic day. Set up a bedtime routine that can help you unwind. You can note down important things for tomorrow on a notepad to free up some space in your mind. Turn off any electronics like televisions or phones an hour before bed. Make sure your bedroom is dark and cozy to ensure sound sleep.

Paint your walls with the soothing combination of Calm Mind and Hazy Dream from the Awakening Color Palette.

Golden Hour & Soulful Solace

Bedroom Hues with the Awakening Color Palette | MyBoysenSetting a peaceful bedroom routine aside, waking up feeling refreshed is a whole other endeavor. Nobody likes having adrenaline rush through your veins first thing in the morning. Set yourself up for success. Prep all the clothes and items you’ll be using the next day before you go to bed. Change your panic-inducing alarm into something calmer and more gentle. Carve some time out for yourself in the morning with some gentle yoga, meditation, or even journalling.

Create a calm mood in your bedroom with the quiet but refreshing hues of Golden Hour and Soulful Solace.

Grounding & Quiet Meditations

Bedroom Hues with the Awakening Color Palette | MyBoysenIt’s good sleep hygiene to keep bedrooms solely for sleeping. Remove any distractions in the space such as televisions, exercise equipment, or even piles of paperwork from work (oops!). Invest on a cute bedside lamp that can keep lighting dim and soothing. Aside from blue, green can also be an ideal color for a calming bedroom.

Pair the dark green hue of Quiet Meditations with the comforting mahogany of Grounding. Need more bedroom color inspirations for sound sleep? You can check this article out here.

Awakening Color Palette

The Awakening Color Palette is one of four lovely themes from this year’s Boysen Color Trend.  As always, these hues can be mixed in the Permacoat Semi-Gloss base, so you can paint not just interiors like bedrooms, but your home’s exteriors as well. Aside from Permacoat, Boysen Color Trend 2024/2025 hues can also be mixed in Virtuoso Silk Touch. You can have these paint colors mixed at any Boysen Mix & Match station near you. Just don’t forget to note down both the color name and color code.

If you have any other questions on paints, colors, or Boysen Color Trend, send us an email at ask@myboysen.com. We’re always happy to help. And don’t forget to subscribe to the blog for weekly paint and color inspirations sent straight to your email. Happy painting!


Inah is an avid overplanner with a manic desire to organize everything. She dedicates most of her time and attention to her two chunky dogs, Prince and Peanut. If there's a bit of extra time on hand, she will spring clean her entire house.

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