People love convenience, good deals, stylish looks, accessibility, which is why Ecommerce platforms are proliferating. More and more brands are offering their goods online to cater to the demands of today’s customer. That includes furniture stores.

Fast furniture is defined as relatively inexpensive and mass-produced. You see them everywhere in brick and mortar stores as well as in online shops. They usually come as flat packs and have to be assembled. There are those though that don’t have to be assembled but you will know that those are fast furniture if you look closely at the materials and the way the materials are put together.

A dead giveaway that it is furniture not made to last is the quality of raw materials, like a composite material instead of hard wood. Another indicator is price.

Tip: When buying furniture, check not only the visible sides but also the sides you don’t usually see, like under the seat, sofa, or table.

Fast Furniture

Is Fast Furniture on the Way Out? | MyBoysen
Laminated chipboard

I’ve used fast furniture over the years, especially during my younger days, when I moved around a lot for work and had to make a home quickly. It was convenient and didn’t burn a hole in my pocket. I could live with it for the 2 or 3 years that I had to stay in a place.

Fast furniture is usually trendy so that was a plus for me. Sometimes though, they were too flimsy to withstand normal wear and tear.

The biggest drawback of fast furniture for me is that it is not meant to last. Which meant I had to throw it when it was no longer serviceable and couldn’t be salvaged. Therefore, just like fast fashion, fast furniture is not good for the planet.

I like Gen Z’s demand for sustainability in the things they buy. It makes no sense to fill the planet with more crap.

Repairing Furniture

Is Fast Furniture on the Way Out? | MyBoysen

Fast furniture is not mean to be repaired. When a chair loses a leg, or when the surface is damaged, it usually means that the furniture should be tossed in the already full landfills.

For example, the materials used like chipboard—usually compressed shavings, sawdust and chips held together by resin—are not as durable as wood and not as moisture resistant as plywood. Chipboard is also prone to cracking, splintering, and could even have adhesion issues.

The lower quality of materials used make repairing fast furniture difficult, sometimes impossible. It is in the nature of the objects which are not meant to last.

We’ve made many DIY video tutorials about how to refurbish and repair furniture of better quality which are made of wood and metal. Here are just 5 of my favorites:

Interested to see more? Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more DIY tutorials.

Furniture that Lasts

Furniture that lasts a lifetime do cost more than fast furniture. Consider it an investment, something you can leave to the next generation.

Is Fast Furniture on the Way Out? | MyBoysen

I always keep going back to the skill of our craftsmen who weave beautiful furniture that are prized around the world. Read this post to get some tips.

Go to antique stores or secondhand shops. You may even discover precious finds in Japanese surplus shops.

This is a good read if you are looking to make your own modern Filipino home.

You don’t have to fill your home immediately with furniture that are functional but do not spark joy. Either borrow  while you are looking to find THE ONE. Or get fast furniture that is a little bit more durable than most.

In any case, keep your eye out for furniture that you know you’d like to have in your home decades from now. Save up for them. These should be the pieces that you would be proud to call your own because they symbolize the deepest longings you cherish in your heart about the meaning of home for you.

Follow this blog for more home inspirations.


Annie is the Managing Editor of Let it B | MyBoysen Blog. An unrepentant workaholic, she runs this blog, among other pursuits. She thrives on collaborating with people who are good at what they do, and working together with them to create something special. Annie learned interior styling while managing her own wholesale business in the Netherlands, importing high-end, handmade home furnishings to stock four outlets and a showroom in the country.

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