Color psychology teaches us that colors influence our well-being, and affect how we think, act, and feel. In these extraordinary times, let us harness the healing power of colors in our homes.

The Bubble Gum Jelly Bean Pastel Colors | MyBoysen

Let’s use the light pastels of the Bubble Gum Jelly Bean color palette that we introduced last week.

Colors to the Rescue

The challenges that confront us today are not only physical (we have to keep our immune system up to fight Covid-19), but these could also be mental and emotional.

Here’s a short video about the healing power of colors that we made for you. You can play this every day to remind you of these simple things that can benefit your mental health and general well-being.

CLEAR MIND | Nilla Vanilla (BCP-0003)

The Healing Power of Colors | MyBoysen

White imparts purity, freshness, cleanliness, and simplicity.

Use this color to clear your mind. There is no denying that worrying about things does not get you anywhere. So try to still your mind. Let go of your thoughts. Don’t make stories in your head.

Going to bed seems also to be the time that worries start eating away at you in earnest. If there are not too many distractions in your bedroom interiors, it will really help you get your restful sleep. There are many other rituals you can do, like taking a shower, practicing meditation, saying your prayers, or making a list of things in your day that you are thankful for.

I think when tragic things happen, it is on the surface. It’s like the ocean. On the surface a wave comes and sometimes the wave is very serious and strong. But it comes and goes, comes and goes, and underneath, the ocean always remains calm.  – Dalai Lama

Think of yourself as the ocean, not the waves.

Clear your mind.

Read The Best Version of Hue: WHITE.

SUNSHINE | Yellow Trumpet (BCP-0862)

The Healing Power of Colors | MyBoysen

Yellow is energy. It is uplifting, cheerful and fun.

Yellow is also reminiscent of sunshine, nourishment that all of us need. Try to catch the early morning sun when the temperature is still cool and the sun not too hot.  To get your daily dose of Vitamin D naturally, soak up the sun for about 15-30 minutes.

Vitamin D boosts your immune system, helps prevent certain diseases, helps maintain healthy bones, and reduces depression.

For those who stay at home, do go out to catch some sunlight, daily if the weather allows.  Sunlight is God-given and free.

Read The Best Version of Hue: YELLOW.

LAUGHTER | Sparkle Glow (BCP-0994)

The Healing Power of Colors | MyBoysen

Blush symbolizes hope and positivity. It’s warm, effervescent, and captivating.

Here’s a cliche: Laughter is the best medicine. But it’s a cliche that works. Doctors recommend it. Laughter stimulates your organs, is a great stress buster, soothes tension, improves your mood, and improves your immune system. It can even make you feel and look youthful!

There’s not much to laugh about these days. Our dreams may have been decimated early this year. We need to take each day as it comes because the present and the future hold so much uncertainty.

So clear your mind, tickle that funny bone, play games with your loved ones, watch feel-good films, or Tiktok your way into a good time.


LOVE | Cloud Number Nine (BCP-1071)

The Healing Power of Colors | MyBoysen

Pink speaks of nurturance, compassion, and safety. It is a gentle, tender color that has a warm and calming effect.

Pink also means love in color psychology. There’s a child’s love, parental love, platonic love, romantic love…and there’s the love for life. Most of us know love. We give and receive it. We know its strength and fragility.

Love helps fight a cold and other viral infections, and reduces stress. Endocrine research has shown that love affects your feel-good and happy hormones. All that positivity improves the immune system.

Do not underestimate the pitfalls of the social isolation that we are going through. If you live alone, reach out to your loved ones every day. Pick up the phone and call your family. Take time to chat with a friend. Send an email. Host a Facebook party.

If you have a strong social support system, count yourself lucky because it can help you live a good, healthy life.

Read The Best Version of Hue: PINK.

NATURE | Cactus Valley (BCP-0752)

The Healing Power of Colors | MyBoysen

Green is the color of life, nature, growth, and hope. It speaks of birth and renewal.

Surround yourself with nature in your garden, throughout your home, outside on the terrace, or on the roof deck. Especially if space is a luxury, greenery would also be a luxury.

Forests are hard to find in urban areas so not many of us can practice the rejuvenating therapy of shinrin-yoku (forest bathing). We breathe in what plants breathe out, and they breathe in what we breathe out.

If you live near a park, spend some time in it. Don’t bring a gadget. Instead, just be present with all those plants. Take your time, breathe in the smells, feel the textures of the greenery, look at the patterns closely, listen to the rustle of the leaves, feel the earth under your feet, look up to the sky and watch the clouds float by. If a bird sings, listen to its song.

Some walk around their gated communities, along tree-lined streets, and look at neighbor’s curbside plants. Others tend to their potted plants at home or if they’re lucky enough to have a garden, spend time in it.

For those who live outside the city, count your blessings.

Whichever way nature is present in your life, know that your well-being is connected to it.

Read The Best Version of Hue: GREEN.

BREATH | Drifting Tide (BCP-0670)

The Healing Power of Colors | MyBoysen

Calmness. Serenity. Peace. Tranquillity. Blue brings this restful ambience into your living space.

So does your breath.

Breath is life. In ancient philosophy and religions, the breath is considered sacred. It is the first thing we do when we enter life and the last thing we do when we exit life.

Breathing meditation is used to relieve stress, increase alertness and improve our immune system. It connects our mind with our body. Counting one to 10 when we feel stressed is a common advice and it works. If you haven’t discovered this yet, try it the next time you feel agitated. Just slow your breathing down, and you will feel calmness take over.

Read The Best Version of Hue: BLUE.

The Path of Lightness

People’s mental health and well-being have been affected by the pandemic and the quarantine. A recent news article states that “a ‘second wave’ of mental health devastation is imminent.”

In the Philippines, initial results from a DOH survey show that “3.6 million Pinoys suffer from mental disorders,”—32% suffer from depression, and 24% from alcohol abuse, 53% of the calls to the National Center for Mental Health (NCMH) hotline were suicide-related, the top reason for the calls was related to anxiety.

Explore the healing power of colors. As a start, here are six colors to the rescue. Each color represents something that can can heal you:

  1. White for a clear mind
  2. Yellow for sunshine
  3. Blush for laughter
  4. Pink for love
  5. Green for nature
  6. Blue for breath

Does creating things with your hands relax you? Take this quiz and find out what DIY project best fits you. Then choose your paint hues, pick up your brush, and allow the healing power of colors to soothe you.


Annie is the Managing Editor of Let it B | MyBoysen Blog. An unrepentant workaholic, she runs this blog, among other pursuits. She thrives on collaborating with people who are good at what they do, and working together with them to create something special. Annie learned interior styling while managing her own wholesale business in the Netherlands, importing high-end, handmade home furnishings to stock four outlets and a showroom in the country.

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