Make sure you’re using the right tools to get the best outcome for your painting project. Know the difference between your painting tools—brush, roller, and spray. Here’s a quick guide.

When to Use a Roller

Need Painting Tools? Fuyama is Boysen’s Line of Rollers and Brushes | MyBoysen

Rollers are the go-to when painting large, flat surfaces like walls. Covering large surface areas is made significantly faster with a roller compared to a brush. And, roller extension poles make it easy to apply paint in high places as well, like ceilings.

Spray may be the fastest, but it can also get messy. With spray, careful prep must be taken as any exposed area could get spray painted on, so it’s not best to use indoors. With rollers, you don’t get that problem.

If you want a textured finish, rollers make this simple too. Rollers can be bought in different naps and textures which give your wall a textured or patterned design while you paint.

Boysen’s own line of paint tools, Fuyama, carries high-quality rollers. Fuyama rollers are lint-free and have a high-loading capacity which means they pick up a good amount of paint when you dip them. It also keeps your coating of paint consistent, avoids unsightly roller marks on the surface, and makes work faster and easier.

When to Use a Brush

Need Painting Tools? Fuyama is Boysen’s Line of Rollers and Brushes | MyBoysen

A quick rule to remember: use a brush when painting small areas, tight corners, and details that require precision. With a range of sizes available, brushes give you the best control and accuracy when painting.

For walls, reach for a brush when you’re painting window sills, baseboards, wall trims and other small and detailed areas. Cutting in is also best done with a brush. Use it as well for furniture, gates, and other uneven surfaces.

When it comes to finish, if you want to achieve a smooth coating, care must be taken not to overload the brush or apply a thick layer of paint to avoid noticeable streaks or brush strokes on your surface.

In search for brushes you can depend on? Fuyama also carries high-quality brushes. These brushes can be used for both water-based and solvent-based paints. They have fine, flexible bristles that resist shedding and help ensure a smooth finish. Fuyama brushes are made to last multiple uses as long as they’re washed and stored properly after use.

When to Use a Spray Gun

Brush, Roller, or Spray: Know Which to Use for Your Painting Project | MyBoysen

There are two distinct advantages when using a spray gun: a smooth finish and speed. First, spray application results in unbelievably smooth finishes as it is able to apply paint consistently in small droplets and thin coats. Using a roller can also give you a uniform texture and finish though not as smooth. The finish a brush gives, on the other hand, depends on the skill of the painter.

Secondly, using a spray gun is the fastest option when it comes to application. It does take a bit of time to learn how to use one but once that hurdle is overcome, using a spray gets a paint job done much faster compared to using a roller or a brush. It can get messy, however, so care must be taken to cover areas you don’t want to get paint on.

Some paints are strictly only applied via spray as well. Lacquer topcoats, for example, are only applied with a spray gun to achieve their high-gloss look.

The downside of spray guns, of course, is that they are more costly to acquire than a brush or roller. If you plan on painting a lot, though, it may be an investment you’re willing to make.

Ready to paint? If you have any more questions on painting tools or just painting in general, the Boysen Technical Service Department will be happy to help. Send an email to or call (02) 8363-9738 local 413 to 418 during office hours for a one-on-one consultation.


Jill is a writer on a continuous journey to learn about paint and share them with you, the reader. She has an interest in the technical side of things but also thoroughly enjoys playing with colors. She likes calm greens, quiet blues, and mellow yellows best.

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