Boysen Acrytex Cast is a reliable putty product for concrete surfaces. But what makes it different from Boysen’s other putties and are there other uses for it? Wonder no more. Read on and find out.
What is Boysen Acrytex Cast
Boysen Acrytex Cast is a putty product in the Boysen Acrytex painting system. To elaborate, it’s an acrylic solvent-based putty for exterior concrete surfaces ideal for when Boysen Acrytex topcoat will be applied after.
Boysen Acrytex is known for its extreme durability and weatherability, and Boysen Acrytex Cast is no different. This putty is tough, watertight, and able to repel water thus preventing seepage.
When to Use Acrytex Cast
Essentially, if you’re painting your exteriors with Boysen Acrytex paint, this is the accompanying putty you would use. Apart from this, being a good putty product in itself, you can also use Boysen Acrytex Cast for other projects where it’s appropriate.
For example, if you’re using Boysen Permacoat Latex for concrete exteriors, such as the façade of your home, it’s recommended that you use Boysen Acrytex Cast for your putty. Because of its product features, it will hold up well against whatever weather your home goes through.
How to Use Acrytex Cast
There’s actually more than one way to use Acrytex Cast. You can use it, of course, as a putty but also to give your Acrytex surface a textured finish.
As a Putty
As a putty, use Acrytex Cast like any other. First, apply primer on your painted surface. Once that’s dry, use a putty knife and apply putty in areas where you see hairline cracks and other minor imperfections. Don’t forget to spot prime—or go over with primer any areas you puttied—afterward. Then, apply topcoat.
When applied as a putty, keep in mind that Acrytex Cast is used straight out of the can. Do not mix in thinners, water, paint, or anything else (except if you use the product for texture, see below). Avoid applying any putty product too thickly as well. When you do so, you risk having the material crack over time due to shrinkage and movement.
For Texture
If you’re working within the Acrytex system, you can use Acrytex Cast to achieve a textured finish. First, prime the surface with Acrytex Primer. Then, add the texture. To do this, thin Acytex Cast with Acrytex Reducer until it’s a sprayable consistency. Spray the mixture onto the surface using a mortar gun.
Fine, medium, and coarse textures can be achieved depending on the distance and the pressure of spraying. Wet a wooden roller and roll it over the textured surface to flatten the finish. Apply your Acrytex topcoat afterward.
Other Boysen Putties for Concrete
How does it differ from other Boysen putties for concrete though? To put it simply, Boysen Acrytex Cast can be used for exteriors.
For putty for concrete, aside from Boysen Acrytex Cast, there’s also Boysen Masonry Putty and Boysen Perma-Putty. Masonry Putty is for minor imperfections while Perma-Putty can repair imperfections up to 2mm in thickness. However, these two products are only recommended for interior surfaces.
There’s also Boysen Patching Compound which is unlike the other putties mentioned before it as it’s not a ready-to-use product. It’s a job-site mixed putty that comes as a powder and must be mixed with latex paint before use. This product is recommended for interiors only as well.
Learned a lot about Acrytex Cast from this blog post? If you need technical information, you’ll find it on the Boysen website. Click here.
If you have any questions or inquiries about Boysen products, our technical team will be happy to assist you. Send an email to or call (02) 8363-9738 local 413 to 418 during office hours for a one-on-one consultation.