Is your kitchen still reeling from the aftermath of the Christmas holidays? If your house is anything like mine, there’s still a basket of round fruits on the countertop and piles of Christmas leftovers inside the fridge. Then, this kitchen cleaning guide is both for you and for me.
Eat the Frog

Simply put, let’s start with the most daunting task when it comes to cleaning out the kitchen—the fridge. Take stock of what’s currently lurking in your fridge one layer at a time. While we don’t want to contribute to unnecessary food waste, we also don’t want to get sick. Throw out all of the expired goods jammed at the furthest corners of your fridge. Make a list of all the food items that are teetering close to going bad and make a meal prep plan around it.
Give the inside (and the outside, especially the handles) of your fridge a good wipe-down before arranging all the food inside. Pro tip: place those that you need to consume ASAP in the front so you remember to eat them!
Organize the Pantry

Like the fridge, clear out your pantry of anything that’s gone bad. Arrange canned and dry goods according to their expiration date to avoid waste. Pro tip: if you have any unopened canned or dry goods that are still in good condition but you don’t really see yourself cooking or eating, consider donating them instead!
Check out the article below for a deeper dive into pantry organization.
Check the Cupboards
After going through the food items, it’s time to clear out the kitchen appliances and utensils! Remember that juicer you bought 3 years ago that’s gathering dust or that set of cookware you never get to use? It’s time to sell or give it away. It’s a win-win situation, you either get a little bit of money back or make somebody else happy while freeing up some much-needed counter space. And for cookwares and appliances that have seen better days and can be a potential health hazard (ie. rusty, with faulty wiring, cracked), maybe it’s time to throw them out.
Wipe everything down
The kitchen is where we prep the food we eat so it makes sense to invest some extra effort in keeping it clean. Start by dry wiping or dusting all surfaces. Then, go in with your handy-dandy wet rag and some elbow grease to get the job done. Aside from countertops, don’t forget to clean kitchen appliances, the stove and range hood, cabinet handles, and the sink.
If you’ve got cooking splatters on your painted walls, be gentle with it. Use a non-abrasive cloth and some gentle cleanser and buff these stains away. If you’ve used Virtuoso Silk Touch on your walls, this process is a breeze.
Kitchen Cleaning Guide Checklist
This kitchen cleaning guide also serves as a reminder of how we, as individuals, can implement processes and ways to reduce food waste. Make a list of all the food items that need to be consumed soon and place it somewhere you can always see (like your fridge!) and plan your meals around that. Any food items and cookware that are still in good condition can be donated away to benefit somebody else.
Keep your kitchen clean and tidy, but make it spark joy whenever you have to slave away in front of a hot stove. Check out the article below for some lovely hues to try out in your kitchen the next time you decide to repaint.
In a cleaning high? Check out our bedroom cleaning guide and bathroom cleaning guide, too. And if you have any questions on paints and colors, send us an email at We’re always happy to help. Happy cleaning!