Hi, Lettie.

I want to repaint our bathroom wall, the parts that don’t have tiling.

Unfortunately, the painters who did the first paint job of our house used the other brand and might have mixed too much water because it peeled easily. Some of the peeled parts started to accumulate dirt and small signs of mold, I’m afraid. When I touch the coating under the peeled areas there seems to be powder too.

From what I can tell, the wall has no water seepage. I suspect the moisture from inside the bathroom is what weakened the paint and helped the mold grow.

The wall on the other side of the bathroom is inside the house facing the kitchen. There’s no AC unit there so it’s not exposed to a humid or wet environment nor is it in direct sunlight.

Paint TechTalk with Lettie: There's Peeling and Chalking in My Bathroom | MyBoysen Paint TechTalk with Lettie: There's Peeling and Chalking in My Bathroom | MyBoysenI’ve bought Boysen Health Home and would like to try DIY repainting it. But, some relatives said that I need to use Boysen Clear Acrylic Emulsion first to prevent moisture from getting through the walls. Then, they told me to apply Healthy Home, and then another coat of Clear Acrylic Emulsion to protect the Healthy Home.

This got me confused because I saw the FAQs blog post about Clear Acrylic Emulsion and I didn’t see it used in the way they said.

I’m now in the process of cleaning the wall. I have washed it already as stated in your blog and on the Healthy Home container. I plan on next using putty on the grooves and then sanding it again.

I know putting Clear Acrylic Emulsion as a topcoat is a no-no, but should I still apply it before Healthy Home?

Thanks a heap!

Yours sincerely,
Boysen User B

Hi, Boysen User B.

Thanks for writing in! First off, I’m already proud of you for attempting to DIY your bathroom repainting project and wanting to do it right.

Painting may not be the easiest task when you’re a newbie but it’s definitely worth the effort to learn a new skill. And, you get to save so that’s always a plus!

Paint TechTalk with Lettie: Can I Use Boysen Clear Acrylic Emulsion on Tiles? | MyBoysen

Let’s clear up the Boysen Clear Acrylic Emulsion issue before we get to the actual painting steps. I actually don’t see the need for you to use Boysen Acrylic Emulsion for your repaint.

Carrying out appropriate and proper surface preparation procedures and using a good quality product, like Healthy Home, already helps ensure you won’t encounter the same paint problems again. (If you do, however, it would be best to look into bigger issues that may be plaguing the paint on your bathroom wall.)

Now, here are your guides for surface preparation (which will address the peeling, chalking, and mold) and painting.

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Surface Preparation


With a painter’s spatula, manually scrape all loose and peeling paint film until you get an even surface to work with.


Sand wherever you notice the powdery residue. With a damp rag, clean the surface until no powder remains. If the chalking is severe, you may need to scrape away the chalking coating until you get to the bare surface. Remember, chalking will interfere with the performance and adhesion of whatever is applied on top such as your putty and paint.


With a brush, apply a mixture of 1:3 bleach to water to the moldy painted surface. Let it stand for 24 hours before washing off the residue. Periodic maintenance is key as mold and mildew tend to come back. To help fight it off, you can give an extra layer of protection to your walls with antibacterial paint like Healthy Home.


Make sure that the surface is free from dirt, dust, powder and other possible contaminants before you begin painting.

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Painting Procedure


For any and all areas with exposed concrete, apply a primer using Permacoat Flat Latex B-701. Wait a drying time of 1 hour.


For imperfections on your wall that are less than 1mm, use Masonry Putty B-7311 to fill in the gaps and holes. Wait a drying time of 2 hours.

Spot Prime

Wherever you’ve applied putty, you will need to spot prime. For this, use Permacoat Flat Latex B-701 again. Again, wait a drying time of 1 hour.


Finally, apply two coats of Boysen Healthy Home. Recoat interval is 2 hours.

There you go! Hope this is helpful to you and wish you the best of luck on your bathroom repaint.

Your painting partner,

Need advice? Paint TechTalk with Lettie is here for you. Comment your painting question below or send an email to ask@myboysen.com.


Jill is a writer on a continuous journey to learn about paint and share them with you, the reader. She has an interest in the technical side of things but also thoroughly enjoys playing with colors. She likes calm greens, quiet blues, and mellow yellows best.

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