It’s not easy to break up with someone you love, and then learn through social media that she has a new boo and it’s not you.
After a long bout of being down in the dumps because of heartbreak, Max finally picks up the pieces and starts with making a doggie daybed for Cody. Of course, he could have started with cleaning up the mess in his apartment but Cody does not mind the change in priority since he gets a nice place to rest.
How do you make a bed fit for a doggie king? Watch the video. It’s as easy as it looks.
Follow the journey of Max and his dog Cody –
Episode 1
Episode 2 (How to Make a Doggie Daybed)
Episode 3 (Life is a Ball)
Episode 4 (How to Make a Cool Coat Rack)
Episode 5 (It’s Shelfie Time)
Episode 6 (Make Your Own Bottle Opener)
Episode 7 (A Chance Meeting)
Episode 8 (Summary)