I dream of having my own home library. I don’t have a big space for a reading room yet, so I place a chair by the bedroom window and get lost in a book.
Once I get my own space, creating a cozy and comfortable reading space will be at the top of my list. I would paint the walls white because I like to keep it safe. Or to put it nicely, I want the books to stand out against the white backdrop. I’ll definitely have multiple shelves because I would love to be surrounded by many books. I would also put a daybed in it because I usually take a nap after reading.
This counts as an ideal home library in my book. For my future interior designer, please see the image below:
Good lighting and a comfortable chair are all you really need to enjoy a good book, but it’s nice to have a designated spot or even a nook for reading. If you have a book sanctum at home, we’ll help you in sprucing it up to create a contemplative space.
Get in The Reading Zone with These Stimulating Colors
Readers always have their noses in a book, so we did the digging for you. We searched Instagram to find ideal reading spaces and made mood boards to get you in the mood to paint. Take a short break from reading, put the book down (challenging as that may sound), and grab a paintbrush.
Surround yourself with these thought-provoking hues and you’ll emerge from your reading den enlightened.
Stay focused with these cool hues.

For people with overactive minds, cool colors are apt for reading. These quiet hues will help you create a calming atmosphere that will facilitate clear thinking. Books will require your undivided attention, will keep you up at night, and will make you smile and cry. It’s like having a baby minus the pooping.
Books give us a deeper understanding of ourselves. We find parts of us in them. Notice the phrases or paragraphs that you highlight—these are a reflection of what moves you. I rarely judge people by the books they read; instead, I pay attention to what words they highlight and what comments they scribble in the margins.
Revive reading spaces with these warm hues.

The boldest colors are for the bravest readers who are willing to expand their world. Through books, we go to places we’ve never been before, travel back in time or to the future, inhabit the lives of various characters, and get a glimpse of someone else’s internal life.
Books keep us sharp. They allow us to take a closer look at things we’re too busy to notice. Expect to be exposed to different perspectives that ignite questions. More questions mean more books to read. Sooner or later, you’ll learn that no amount of books will give you the final and satisfying answers. It’s a never-ending cycle.
Enrich your life with books, calm your mind through meditation, and strengthen your body with exercise. Take care of yourself and your home. Create a home with colors that give you peace and hope. Just follow your heart. You don’t always have to do everything by the book. It’s your haven and you can fill it with hues that put your heart and mind at ease.
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