How many people here have included exercise as a part of their new year’s resolutions? ? ? ? How many of you guys have stuck to exercising most days of the week since the start of the year? ? If you’re like me (and a million other people, I bet), you’re probably starting to lose some steam when it comes to working out. Aside from breaking down your health goals into manageable steps, what else can we do to motivate ourselves to step up into our exercise mats everyday? Well, what about creating a home gym that you’ll actually use?
Now, I know it’s not feasible to allot one room in the house just to work out. Heck, I just work out right next to my bed. But, carving out small spaces in the home is the key to kick the gears in motion when it comes to motivating yourself to work out. Having a designated area in the house to exercise in might just be the small push we need in order to reach our #Fitspo goals. Here are some cute home gym inspirations to take your pick from!
Power in Pink
We work out for many different reason. But, if your reason for exercising is to help lower your stress levels, pink might be the shade for you as this color has been shown to tone down aggression. Tough day at work? Destress with a quick workout in your home gym. You’ll destress twice as fast though physical exercise, and the calming powers of pink!
Tough in Teal
Have you ever tried yoga as your exercise of choice? Hey, it’s no joke. Keeping your balance while trying all these complicated poses really gets the burn in your body going. If you’re going for a zen space-slash-home gym, try a teal color palette! Teal is made up of two super calming colors, blue and green. So, this might be the perfect shade to step up your yoga game.
Olympian’s Orange
Gasping for breath 10 minutes into your hour-long routine? Choose an orange palette for your home gym to bump up the energy of the space. Orange is energetic, enthusiastic, and exciting. These might just be the perfect adjectives for a home gym. But, if you’re still looking for an extra push with your exercise goals, get a workout buddy. Get your partner, your sibling, a friend, or even your parents to work out with you!
Create a Home Gym You’ll Actually Use
Doesn’t it sound extra exciting to get sweaty after you’ve actually curated a workout set-up at home? Color has such a deep effect in our psyches and motivation but that’s just one aspect in keeping your exercise goals. Aside from creating a space at home, make sure to carve out ample time as well. Once you’ve integrated exercise as a part of your daily routine, it’ll be easier to hit those fitness goals!
Picked the pink palette for your home gym? Don’t stop there! Match your outfit and equipment to your home gym! Something about a harmonic gym aesthetic gets the vibe going. If you’ve painted your home gym with any of these palettes, tag us on Facebook or Instagram. We’d love to see what you did to your space. If you’d love to get weekly updates from the blog, don’t forget to hit that subscribe button. We promise our newsletter is short and sweet. Happy exercising!