In the final installment of the Set in Color Series to promote Boysen’s Color Trend 2018, the team brought their final installation to Plaza Independencia, the most historically significant plaza in Cebu, which also fronts Fort San Pedro, the oldest triangular bastion fort in the country. That’s a lot of history in just one place.
This time the BE YOU sets were very minimalist with a bit of an antique inspiration on the fixtures. The color palette was indeed an appropriate reflection of the general mood and vibe at Plaza Independencia – quiet, subdued. It was the perfect backdrop for a lazy Sunday at the park.
Compared to the first three locations, Plaza Independencia wasn’t as busy or bustling. There were some stray tourists coming in and out of Fort San Pedro and most of the people hanging out were oldies. It was pretty slow from the start but thankfully, things picked up at 3 pm. Families came by with their kids on the way to church, couples enjoying the sunny day, teenagers with their adorable dogs and other random personalities. Some people passed by after dropping off their companions at Pier 1. As usual, people were shy until they saw others posing and taking photos.
One of the most interesting things that happened that day was when a group of students who were practicing their dance moves decided to do their routine in front of our set. That was definitely a trip!
It was a beautiful day and everyone came out to play at the Plaza Independencia. A massive thank you to everybody who came through, took a picture and had fun with us. Wherever your journeys take you, live your life in full color. Be Free. BE YOU.
Don’t forget to check out awesome video of all four sets and palettes for Boysen’s Set in Color 2018 Series. #MyBoysen #SetinColor
#SetinColor for the Four Color Trend 2018 Palettes
Click links below to see the four Set in Color installations.
Be Here at the Magellan’s Cross Grounds
Be Bold at the Ayala Terraces
Be Seen at the Cebu IT Park
Be You at Plaza Independencia