Dear Readers,
These are difficult times for many of us. No one ever expected a global pandemic and how that would badly affect the public health situation, the economy, and our way of life. Many of us have been in survival mode for many months, and will be in this situation for a longer duration.

But I don’t want to talk about the difficulties. Instead I want to talk about the blessings we have experienced in the last year. From the feeling of thankfulness for having more than enough so we can share what we have to others, to the thankfulness of being the recipient of such generosity.
Grace comes from the most odd places and when we acknowledge that, there is the unfurling of even more grace in our lives.
I don’t want to burden us even further with talks about our difficulties. I would rather use this Christmas message to give you something light so the team and I came up with this tongue in cheek video to wish you all a good holiday season with your loved ones in life.
For those who don’t belong to your household, let the get-togethers with them be virtual for now.
I’m a really optimistic person, sometimes to the point of foolishness, but I prefer to see my glass half full rather than half empty. I’ve learned from people I know who’ve met life head on with head held high, a smile on their lips, and a song in their hearts despite the burdens they carry.
In previous years, I used to wake up so early in the morning to make it to the dawn mass in church at 4:30 for nine consecutive days. This year, technology made it possible to still celebrate the misa de gallo. I still woke up early, but this time I joined the online masses instead and even had the luxury of following the masses in different churches on different days. Thank God for technology.
The ritual of misa de gallo calms me so whatever little bit of sacrifice it entails to be present for a fraction of time, it is nothing compared to the feeling of awe, reverence, gratitude, and deep joy the message of hope and love gives me for this life.
Whatever God we worship, it does not change the fact that we are all connected. Let’s strengthen the feeling of connection with each other this Christmas season. Let’s be extra kind, and light up this season with our warm and generous hearts.
From all of us here at Let it B, Merry Christmas to you and yours!