Have your ever thought to yourself, “Hmm…I wonder what kind of cake I am?” Yes? Me too! Well, look no further. Let’s stave off our cravings with this delightfully delicious dessert quiz. Just answer a few simple questions to find out what kind of cake you are!

Let Them Eat Cake!

Pick a drink.

Pick a meal.

Pick an activity.

Pick a City.

Pick a Music Genre.

Pick a dessert.

What do you need right now?

What have you been putting off?

All 8 questions completed!

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Let Them Eat Cake!

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Inah is an avid overplanner with a manic desire to organize everything. She dedicates most of her time and attention to her two chunky dogs, Prince and Peanut. If there's a bit of extra time on hand, she will spring clean her entire house.

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