I’ve always been fascinated by the quintessential “ugly” Christmas sweaters that I see in American cartoons and TV shows. People can’t seem to decide whether they love it or hate it. But one thing’s for sure, it screams CHRISTMAS from a mile away! Decked out in the brightest colors, complete with all the bells and whistles (like, literally), what could be more festive than that?  So, here! Pick a cute and cozy Christmas sweater you’d totally wear in your family gathering and we’ll give you a holiday palette to go along with it!

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It seems a bit too humid to wear sweaters here in the Philippines, but maybe the cooler December weather can make it a tad more bearable. Always remember what our favorite yellow sponge always said, “The best time to wear a (Christmas) sweater is all the time.” ?   Happy holidays! 


Inah is an avid overplanner with a manic desire to organize everything. She dedicates most of her time and attention to her two chunky dogs, Prince and Peanut. If there's a bit of extra time on hand, she will spring clean her entire house.

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