There could be several possible factors as to why you’re experiencing paint problems. By paint problems, we’re talking about seeing subtle or major imperfections to dry paint on a surface. Two of the reasons for common paint problems are water seepage and moisture.

Paint problems caused by water seepage and moisture are not just an eyesore, they can also be signs of a bigger issue. And if not addressed, you could risk losing more and more of your wall to paint deterioration. Identify what’s going on with your paint and find solutions before it’s too late. Here are common paint problems caused by water seepage and moisture:

1.  Blistering

5 Most Common Paint Problems Caused By Water Seepage and Moisture | MyBoysen

Blistering paint looks awful. They look similar to skin blisters and would seem like bubbles are forming underneath your paint. It’s a problem commonly seen on glossy paint as opposed to flat paint.

So, what’s happening? Water has found its way under your layer of paint. When the water eventually evaporates, it turns into vapor. It can’t go through the paint so instead it pushes the paint away from the wall causing bulges and bubbles.

Blistering can result from incorrect surface preparation prior to paint application or from a water leak somewhere in your home that has crept its way to your wall. If it’s the latter, even if you repaint the problem will keep coming back unless the leak is fixed.

Find out what to do about blistering paint here.

2.  Efflorescence

5 Most Common Paint Problems Caused By Water Seepage and Moisture | MyBoysen

Where glossy paint has blistering, flat paint has efflorescence. You’ll notice efflorescence as white, crusty- or fuzzy-looking residue on a wall. It’s caused by water passing through a concrete wall and then evaporating. As the water evaporates, it leaves behind salt deposits and that’s what you’re seeing on your previously spotless paint job.

Like in blistering, common causes of efflorescence are also incorrect surface preparation prior to paint application and water seepage. Treat efflorescence as soon as you spot it as it can also eventually breed other paint problems like chalking and fading.

Find out what to do about efflorescence here. (Don’t wash it!)

3.  Corrosion

5 Most Common Paint Problems Caused By Water Seepage and Moisture | MyBoysen

Corrosion occurs when there is rust or kalawang on painted metal like the gate of your home. Rust, or iron oxide in scientific terms, needs three things to form: metal, oxygen, and water. Oxygen is naturally present in the air. Water can come from weather conditions like rain and humidity, and unsuitable environments such as if you live near the sea.

Metals are vulnerable to corrosion but there are preventive measures you can take to avoid your painted metal gate from rusting. One of the most effective is to apply primers and metal etching solutions (there are Boysen products for these) before painting. Remember, proper surface preparation is essential to preventing a wide range of paint problems including corrosion.

Find out what you need to do about corrosion here.

4.  Mold and Mildew

5 Most Common Paint Problems Caused By Water Seepage and Moisture | MyBoysen

You’ll likely be able to spot mold and mildew in bathrooms, wash areas, and kitchen tiles. These living organisms are fungi that love damp environments. They appear as fuzzy or slimy dark spots on your wall and give the room a musty odor. Unpleasant, right?

Because they’re alive, mold and mildew will continue to reproduce and spread over more parts of your wall if not treated. Periodic maintenance will keep them away. Yes, periodic because, unfortunately, once mold and mildew have found a home on your wall, they’ll keep coming back. Best be diligent about it not just for aesthetics but also because some types of mold and mildew are harmful to your health.

Find out what to do about mold and mildew here. (Repainting doesn’t help!)

5.  Saponification

5 Most Common Paint Problems Caused By Water Seepage and Moisture | MyBoysen

Here’s a paint problem that’s a little trickier to grasp. Simply explained, saponification happens when highly alkaline concrete (alkaline meaning it has a pH level greater than 7) is continually exposed to moisture. Saponification will eventually cause the paint to weaken and once it does, it will start to come off your wall and lose its color. The first sign of saponification are specks on your painted surface, so watch out for it!

There’s nothing you can do about saponification except to scrape off the paint and start over. (Making sure to follow proper surface preparation before applying the new paint, of course.) One tip to  steer clear of saponification again is to avoid using oil-based paint products on concrete.

Find out what to do about saponification here.

We hope this blog post has been useful to you and we wish you luck if you’re having paint problems! If you have further questions, our technicians will be happy to help. Send us an email at or call us at (02) 8363-9738 local 417 to 418 during office hours for a one-on-one consultation.


Jill is a writer on a continuous journey to learn about paint and share them with you, the reader. She has an interest in the technical side of things but also thoroughly enjoys playing with colors. She likes calm greens, quiet blues, and mellow yellows best.


  1. Very well said boysen, since I’ve learned painting from my father’s experience and now it’s my source of living. Plus your procedure how to apply your products it gives me more confident to explain my clients for best result. I will use Boysen! God Bless…

  2. Manuel Agustin Reply


    I learn a lot thing’s about your advice..


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