“Gifts of time and love are surely the basic ingredients of a truly merry Christmas.”
Peg Bracken

How would you like to spend an intimate date with your special someone without having to brave the Christmas rush? No need to travel bumper-to-bumper to go to a restaurant. No need to elbow your way into an overcrowded establishment that is more often than not so noisy as Filipino restaurants usually are.

Why don’t you do something specially romantic and prepare a divine dinner date at home together?

You can really stretch out the anticipation as well as the time together – from discussing and deciding on the menu, to buying the ingredients, to cooking and baking, to setting up the table, to sharing the meal prepared with love.

Prepare appetizers and side dishes beforehand, chill the wine or beer or poison of your choice, and while the main course is baking in the oven and the soup is at a slow simmer, freshen up and slip into something comfortable and sexy. That goes for both of you 🙂 When you’re done with that, dim the lights, light some candles, turn on the music, set the table.

When the food is on the table and you’re sitting across each other, deepen the conversation and the flirting, and bring in the romance in spades. For the new couples, get to know each other better. For the older ones, get to know each other better.

Get into the holiday spirit with these Christmas videos:
Homey Hugs for the Holidays
Make a Merry Mocktail
Glam Up Your Gifts


Annie is the Managing Editor of Let it B | MyBoysen Blog. An unrepentant workaholic, she runs this blog, among other pursuits. She thrives on collaborating with people who are good at what they do, and working together with them to create something special. Annie learned interior styling while managing her own wholesale business in the Netherlands, importing high-end, handmade home furnishings to stock four outlets and a showroom in the country.

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