Boysen paint containers are purposefully designed to have a very tight seal. We want to ensure the packaging prevents spills and tampering. That’s a good thing, of course, but this also means that they can be difficult to open. For those finding the task a little hard, here’s our newbie-friendly technique for opening Boysen plastic paint cans.
Step 1: Check the Seal
The first thing to do is to check if the tamper-resistant seal is not damaged or broken. Broken seals could mean your paint container has been opened before or was tampered with. If this is the case, best not use the product anymore. If the seal is intact, proceed to the next step.
Step 2: Gather Tools
Trying to open a plastic paint can with just your bare hands will be very difficult. It might be possible for a seasoned pintor but painting newbies will quickly find their attempts unsuccessful—or successful but they end up with sore fingers.
Again, to deter tampering and avoid spills, these containers do not open easily. Make it easy for yourself. We highly recommend having these tools already on-hand:
- Pocket knife or any small-bladed knife
- Screwdriver
Step 3: Cut and Rip the Seal
Time to put your tools to use. The first thing to do is to remove the seal that goes around the plastic paint can. This seal secures the lid to the body of the container. It needs to be broken and removed before the lid can be opened.
First make sure your paint container is on a stable surface. Then, find the tab of the seal. Next to this tab is where the seal ends. Note that the tabs on the 200 mL Boysen plastic containers are less noticeable compared to the bigger containers.
With your knife, carefully slice through to break 1 to 2 inches of the end of the seal. This will allow you to lift a small portion. Grip it tight and tear away the seal all around the can.
Step 4: Loosen the Lid
With the seal removed, the next step is to lift the lid and actually open the paint can. However, even with the seal completely off, this is easier said than done.
Here’s what you do. Take your screwdriver and push it under the lid. Go around the lid with your screwdriver to loosen it. This should make it a lot easier to remove the lid.
Step 5: Open the Can
Remove the lid and now you have an open Boysen plastic container!
Bonus Tip: Close for Later Use
Leftover paint must be stored properly so it’s still in good condition for later use.
When you’re ready to close your paint, wipe the rim of the can and lid to remove excess paint and ensure a good seal. Doing so will also avoid getting loose dried paint into the remaining product when you next open the can.
Put the lid back and give it a few hard taps to make sure it’s properly secured. If you need to lightly tap it with a hammer, do so.
That’s it! Congratulations on unlocking a new painting skill!
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What type of plastic is the container can of the boysen?
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