Pantone chose Very Peri as the color to represent 2022. It’s a blue hue with red-violet undertones according to Pantone, a color that they felt was fitting for the times…
Recall a time when someone walked into a room and that person’s presence immediately changed your mood. They say that you don’t see people’s aura, you just feel it. True…
To belong to something or someone without losing ourselves in the process, isn’t that what most, if not all of us, desire? It is probably the most human thing for…
The best version of white is adaptability. Adaptability is the willingness to change to adjust to different situations. This neutral color is open to what change might bring and thus…
There are over 50 shades of grey in the universe but the best version of them is balance. In a world where everything seems to be black and white, grey…
The best version of orange is courage. Courage means being afraid but still pushing through it anyway. It is not the absence of fear. It is accepting that you are…
The best version of the hue green is social awareness. We are very much in tune with what’s happening around us. We feel a strong desire to seek and create…
To me, the best version of the hue purple is imagination. A vivid imagination. Have you ever had one of those days when you just want to drop the normal…
Yellow is an eye-popping, zing-tingling, gut-punching shot of pure energy. It doesn’t really matter what tint, tone or shade it is, it just grabs you – whether it’s the airy…
When you say you feel blue, you’re sad. But in interior design, blue calms you. This contrasting effect was what made it hard for me to choose which one’s the…