Scandinavian design, the darling interior style of today’s Filipino homeowners, is again the topic for this post. We showed a previous video on how to beautify a hand me down dresser with a Scandi aesthetic. Being consistent all throughout the house with the interior style you’ve chosen makes for a harmonious feel in the home. There will be two more videos after this one, but meantime, enjoy this short video on how to organize your closet.

Steps to Organizing Your Closet

Decluttering is a key activity in organizing a closet. Marie Kondo has been talking about this activity for years now, showing us her method including the does-it-spark-joy question while wading through the many items that have gathered dust in our cabinets.

If you’re like me, it’s much easier to go through the steps in my mind. I fail miserably when I practice it. Sentimentality gets in the way.  Or false frugality when I think about what-ifs—what if I lose weight, what if I gain weight, what if this is coming back in style, what if my daughter will need it when she’s all grown up (I don’t have a daughter).

So good luck to you and more power to me.

1. Empty the Closet and Clean Thoroughly

Have a staging place near the closet, your bed for example. Then take everything out of the closet. This is relatively easy to do, but it gets more physical if you have a big closet or if you have so many things that you’ve rammed inside. In any case, you should be able to do it quickly because not much thought goes into it.

Clean the closet well. Vacuum all shelves, nooks and crannies. Wipe it down if needed. You can also paint the inside of the closet to give it a new look, or line it with pretty paper.

2. Sort Items

This is where I fail because I get sentimental or have those what-if questions. For clothes, it helps if you ask yourself the question, “Did I use this in the last 6 months or year?’ If not, ruthlessly set it aside and place it on the donate pile. Then sort the items, maybe even organize them per color or use (gym clothes, sleep wear, outfits for going out, etc.).

3. Maximize Closet Space

Bedroom Closet Organizing, the Scandi Way (VIDEO) | MyBoysen

This does not mean to use every inch of closet space by cramming as many items as you can. Maximize means to put to good use whatever space is available, also taking into consideration the negative space needed to make your closet look tidy.

Use acrylic boxes and hangers of neutral colors (like white, cream, black), or organic materials (like wood or metal) to achieve that Scandi look. Have a monochromatic scheme like white and beige tones. Nothing looks more hideous than kaleidoscopic plastic hangers and/or those thin, wiry, metal ones from the dry cleaners.

4. Review regularly

Give your closet some regular attention, maybe once a quarter, every 6 months, or yearly. It all depends on how many times you buy clothes. The more you go shopping, the shorter the intervals of organizing your bedroom closet should be. I read somewhere that if you buy one thing, you must think of one thing you can get rid of.

Other Color Schemes

We have many paint colors that would look good in Scandi interiors. If you are a lover of things Scandinavian, chances are you’ll end up in IKEA in the Mall of Asia. The (Boysen) Color Library is just close by so do drop by and check our Scandinavian-inspired colors.  You can also scroll through the in-store app to see the available hues.


Annie is the Managing Editor of Let it B | MyBoysen Blog. An unrepentant workaholic, she runs this blog, among other pursuits. She thrives on collaborating with people who are good at what they do, and working together with them to create something special. Annie learned interior styling while managing her own wholesale business in the Netherlands, importing high-end, handmade home furnishings to stock four outlets and a showroom in the country.

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