Boysen came out with the first annual Color Trend in 2015. Four color palettes. Six colors per palette. 24 new colors for the year.

In 2016, the Boysen Color Team opted to have four colors per palette and added to each palette three complementary colors from the popular Boysen Color Series. But from 2017 until 2020, we were back to creating 24 colors for each year.

It takes a year for the Boysen Color Team to come up with an annual color trend. The whole process is extensive and rigorous because the group looks at social, political, and economic trends, and interprets these into color palettes. Further face-to-face discussion with our international member partners in the Nova Paint Club takes place. Nova is an international organization of leading independent paint companies from Europe, Asia, North America, and South America.

After choosing the colors, these are then taken to the Boysen Color Lab for formulation. Still another long process. The complexity is increased because Boysen Color Trends are made available for two paint brands—Permacoat Semi-Gloss Latex and premier paint Virtuoso Silk Touch.

Boysen Color Trend 2015

Express yourself is Boysen Color Trend 2015’s motto. Just like people, colors have personalities too. They bring rooms to life and create the charisma that you want your spaces to exude. Informal studies have shown that more often than not, people dress their rooms the way they dress themselves.

NATURIST, KINETIC, AVANT-GARDE, and PERFECTIONIST are the four color personalities that were introduced in 2015. You can see the color palettes by clicking on this link.

Download the brochure for Boysen Color Trend 2015 here.

Boysen Color Trend 2016

Humankind’s relationship with Mother Earth is Boysen Color Trend 2016’s unifying philosophy that runs through the four color palettes. It is incredible how this philosophy is pushed even more to the forefront in today’s pandemic. It’s precisely our lack of care with nature that made it possible for a virus that existed in the wild to leap to its present form in humans.

The international agenda on climate change will probably still move slowly even with the “new normal”. However, the signs that private individuals are positively changing their own relationship with nature are there, and that brings hope.

Read The Influence of Covid-19 on Trends in Living Spaces.

The four color palettes of 2016 are RECHARGE, RENEW, RECREATE, and REALM. Revisit Boysen Color Trend 2016. Click here.

Download the brochure for Boysen Color Trend 2016 here.

Boysen Color Trend 2017

In 2017, the Boysen Color Team discovered that the colors we came up with had two sets of palettes that had a clear relationship with each other, which were divergent or even opposing. There are MAXIMAL and MINIMAL, and TRADITION and TECHNOLOGY. This is also the reason why the brochure was “divided into two”, with one set of two color palettes that you could read about from the front to the middle of the brochure, and the other set from the back to the middle.

People were defining their tastes even more, and moving towards the lifestyle that suited them. See the four palettes of 2017 by clicking on this link.

Download the brochure for Boysen Color Trend 2017 here.

Boysen Color Trend 2018

“Immerse yourself in the magic of being” is Boysen Color Trend 2018’s invitation. The four color palettes are BE BOLD, BE SEEN, BE HERE, and BE YOU.

Color is emotion. Color is personality. Color is language.

On the fourth year of Boysen Color Trends, the Filipinos were boldly using color to interpret who they were in their homes. People were more willing to use vibrant and bright colors instead of playing it safe. This inclination had started in 2016 but it became widely accepted in 2018, especially among the Xennials and Millennials.

Click on this link to read more about Boysen Color Trend 2018.

Download the brochure for Boysen Color Trend 2018 here.

Boysen Color Trend 2019

Boysen Color Trend 2019 is about endeavors for a people in flux. The colors are vivid, rich, and dramatic to reflect a world that demands clarity of human intention. Neutrality was and is becoming untenable ground. Polarization is to be expected, but the hope remains that we all could find a way to honor and celebrate our diversity. More than ever, the need for people to find common ground is becoming more urgent, seeing the chaos and conflict all around us. A downward spiral towards a splintered world will not benefit humanity.

Even the names of the color palettes—ENGAGE, ENABLE, ENLIGHTEN, and ENCHANT—are rallying cries to make a stand and to act.  The time of straddling the fence, of staying silent, of apathy, of denial is running out.

You will find in this link more information about Boysen Color Trend 2019.

Download the brochure for Boysen Color Trend 2019 here.

Boysen Color Trend 2020

On its sixth year of making annual color trends, the Boysen Color Team had perfected the work process of the different groups responsible for the “birthing” of the color palettes. For the 2020 Color Trend, everything was ready for the launch in March without too much stress in meeting deadlines.

The Exhibition Team worked hard and fast to get everything up and ready for the launch of Boysen Color Trend 2020 at the Interior & Design Manila (March 12 to 14, 2020). However on their second day of ingress, the organizers announced that the exhibition would not push through because of the pandemic.

The whole team ran the gamut of emotions, from frustration to relief. I am talking here about 60 people, maybe more. Yes, the making of an annual Boysen Color Trends, from research to launch, has that many mothers and fathers.

The concept for our Boysen Color Trend booths over the years has pushed for interactivity so that our customers can experience the paint colors in actuality. Interactive booths require high contact which would have been risky for everyone concerned with Covid-19 in our midst. In the end, the cancellation was a good call.

Nevertheless, we launched Boysen Color Trend 2020 online, and we will continue to talk about the different color palettes in the next months. When the pandemic subsides (hopefully next year), we will build our booth again, do a proper launch, so you can discover the palettes and be able to dabble with the paint colors.

The story for this year is Vision 20/20, not expecting that it would take a microscopic coronavirus to give us that impetus to have clarity and alignment of self, purpose and intention.

Are you on the journey to define your Vision 20/20?

Boysen Color Trend 2020’s palettes are ORIGINS, NOSTALGIA, KINSHIP, and META. Click on this link, and find out more about these color palettes.

Download the brochure for Boysen Color Trend 2020 here.

Key Takeaway

Colors are a part of life, and we should use them to feel happy and joyful in our homes. Colors are also personal, and the feeling they impart vary for each individual. This is the reason why a certain color may draw you in even if it belongs to a previous year’s trend.

What we always advise in this blog Let it B, is to let it be. Choose the colors that make you feel well, healthy, happy, and comfortable. There are so many things in life that do not have a right or wrong answer. Your color choice is one of them.

If you feel a need to change your vibe at home because of this pandemic and the quarantine that comes with it, just go to a Mix and Match Station closest to you, and get your happy paint colors to bring home.



Annie is the Managing Editor of Let it B | MyBoysen Blog. An unrepentant workaholic, she runs this blog and her own company Talking Lions ( She thrives on collaborating with people who are good at what they do, and working together with them to create something special. Annie learned interior styling while managing her own wholesale business in the Netherlands, importing high-end, handmade home furnishings to stock four outlets and a showroom in the country.

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