In a past life while living in Europe, DIY condo painting was something I did for a previous home. It was a challenge because I had never done it before and because the condo was about 100 sqm, with a height of 3 meters (or almost 10 feet), and had seven huge windows.

DIY Condo Painting

You’d think that having windows would cut down the square meter area of the surface which you need to paint. That’s right, of course. But preparing the surface becomes harder. You need to paint with a brush around the windows so that painting the walls with a roller would be “easier” to do after. Having such a high ceiling was great, but to me painting that kind of space while being half the height of the ceiling was a handicap. Climbing up and down a 2-meter ladder almost did me in.

DIY Condo Painting

After the first day, I could hardly get out of bed. It seemed my legs muscles were locked in a permanent flex, and my toes were curled in. Maybe looking down to the street through the windows from that ladder while painting around the head and side jambs scared me so my toes kind of clung to the topmost rung, like bird feet wrapped around a branch for stability.

My DIY condo painting was hard work, but I felt deep satisfaction and great pride in the results.

DIY Condo Painting

Would I do it again? Maybe, if I were still living abroad. But here in the Philippines, I’d rather outsource it because I prefer to be spoiled. Which is why when the need to paint my home here in Manila presented itself, I called the professionals. All I did was choose the colors. I came back after less than a week and everything, including the ceiling, had been painted exactly how I wanted it. I was lucky enough to hire painters who are regularly undergoing training with Boysen. Also helpful is that Boysen carries odor-less paints like Virtuoso (my favorite) and Healthy Home, so there were no paint smells at all in the condo.

DIY Condo Painting

If you’re up for the physical challenge, you have time, and you’re willing to experiment and learn, DIY condo painting is something you should do, at least once in your life. In this Internet age, there are so many instructional videos and literature that can help you do a good job, just like in this blog. Here are some of them:
What To Know Before You Start DIY Painting
5 Ingeniously Simple Painting Hacks Every Home Decorator Should Know
Painting 101
The DIY Diva Series










Annie is the Managing Editor of Let it B | MyBoysen Blog. An unrepentant workaholic, she runs this blog, among other pursuits. She thrives on collaborating with people who are good at what they do, and working together with them to create something special. Annie learned interior styling while managing her own wholesale business in the Netherlands, importing high-end, handmade home furnishings to stock four outlets and a showroom in the country.

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