Tinting paint is something best left to professional painters or Boysen Mix and Match Stations in home depots. But if you’re a DIYer who wants to experiment on how to mix your own paint color, watch this video about another painting idea.

First, Kriz gave a short tutorial about the basic color wheel – from primary, secondary to tertiary colors.

We touched on this topic several times in the blog. Read:
Infographic: How to Create a Perfect Color Scheme
Choosing Color Combos for Beginners

How to Tint Paint

Color Wheel 12

There are twelve colors in this color wheel, which Kriz explained in the video. She mixed primary colors blue and yellow paint in a one-liter can of white Boysen Permacoat Semi-Gloss Latex B-715. Why did she use semi-gloss instead of flat white? Flat or matte white uses more white pigment than semi-gloss white. So if you use the former, you would be needing more tinting colors to achieve the hue you want. Also, semi-gloss has a higher sheen which means that resistance to dirt pick-up is high. Just remember, the glossier the paint, the more resistant it is to dirt. Read about the pros and cons of the different sheens of paint.

Kriz used plastic syringes to be able to control the amount of tinting colors that she added to the white paint. Adding tinting colors slowly made it easier for her to get the color she wanted, the pastel turquoise. Also, if she wanted to replicate the mix in another can, she already has the “recipe” to do it.

Tip: The ideal tinting color-to-paint ratio is 1:16. If you go beyond that, you may affect the stability of the paint.

If your paint project is a small area, then go ahead and do the mixing of colors yourself. But if it’s going to be a whole room using several cans of paint, we suggest that you go to the Boysen Mix and Match Station closest to you and have the experts do the mixing.

Color is Personal

If beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, the emotional response evoked by colors also depends on the viewer. Colors affect a person’s mood and feelings, and much is said about the psychology of colors. You can read about that here.

Colors pervade our lives. Although most of us are not aware of the effect these have on us, on a subconscious level we feel it. We instinctively choose cool colors for areas in our homes where we want a relaxing vibe. For social areas where we want an energetic and dynamic ambience, we choose warm colors. If you want to know more about warm and cool colors, this article can be useful.

You can read all you can first about how to choose colors for your home if you’re the cautious type. The internet is such an efficient way to learn. Start reading the posts on color inspirations. Or you can wing it and follow the painting idea of Kriz, who chose pastel turquoise after a wonderful day at the beach. In the end, you just need to trust your instincts when you choose colors for your interiors and exteriors. After all, it’s you who has to live with your choices. Not living alone? It’s better to discuss paint colors first with other members of the household, like asking your teen what color she wants for her bedroom.

Paint colors create a great impact in a room because of the relatively big surface that it covers. So when you choose, give it your best shot. And if you hate the colors on your walls, it’s not the end. Choose another paint color, and coat your surfaces again.

Tip: While you are still choosing your paint color, it’s better to test the possible color choices by painting these first on small sections of the wall. Look at it during different times of the day. Why? Because light affects color. You may love how a color looks in the early morning, but may absolutely dislike it in the evening.

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Annie is the Managing Editor of Let it B | MyBoysen Blog. An unrepentant workaholic, she runs this blog, among other pursuits. She thrives on collaborating with people who are good at what they do, and working together with them to create something special. Annie learned interior styling while managing her own wholesale business in the Netherlands, importing high-end, handmade home furnishings to stock four outlets and a showroom in the country.

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