Boysen Bug Off is an innovative paint product that boasts insect-killing capabilities. Will it be able to handle a trash room? A budget hotel chain put it to the test and painted Boysen Bug Off in the 9 sq.m refuse room of their Makati location as an added pest control measure.

A Hotel in Makati Uses Bug Off to Help Keep Bugs Away | MyBoysen

One would think that finding a few insects in a trash room wouldn’t be such a big issue. After all, if there’s anything that can attract flies, ants, and cockroaches fast, it’s trash. For a hotel that adheres to strict sanitation and cleanliness standards, however, even one or two can already be too many.

“Pests multiply rapidly,” says the hotel’s facility manager in an interview with “So, if you’re not constantly on top of pest control, sooner or later things will get out of hand. We may be a budget hotel but we keep clean. It’s a top priority—not just the room but all areas. Everywhere, even the refuse room.”

A Hotel in Makati Uses Bug Off to Help Keep Bugs Away | MyBoysen

Supplementing Fumigation

Guest rooms undergo a thorough cleaning routine which involves linen and towel changing, wiping down of surfaces, mopping of tiled floors, vacuuming, and more. Areas of the hotel that guests do not see also have their own cleaning routine, with frequent fumigation as part of pest control measures.

The refuse room is fumigated twice a week. The room is sprayed with a pesticide that keeps a slew of insects away. On the whole, it is highly effective. However, as the facility manager explains it, fumigation can only do its job where it can reach. It has trouble reaching the insects that hide in nooks and crannies in the ceiling and on the walls behind heavy, hard-to-move fixtures in the room.

“That’s the good thing about Bug Off. You can paint it everywhere. You can paint it where it’s hard to fumigate,” he adds. “We had the usual house pests you would expect to see like ants, flies, fruit flies, mosquitoes, and small cockroaches. We fumigate to keep those away. Coupled with Bug Off, we very seldom see those in the refuse room anymore.”

A Hotel in Makati Uses Bug Off to Help Keep Bugs Away | MyBoysen

Application and Immediate Results

The hotel’s refuse room, a bare and simple room with an area of 9 sqm., was repainted with Bug Off in white. Before the paint’s application, the hotel’s main concern was insects crawling on the walls and hiding in the corners of the ceiling. It took only a week for the facility manager and the hotel’s personnel who regularly went in and out of the room to see noticeable results.

“After we applied the paint and let it dry for a few days, we immediately noticed the difference. We monitored it and in a month it was already rare to see any insects on the walls and ceiling,” says the facility manager.

“We’ve painted it here in our Makati location. I’ll be recommending it for the refuse rooms in our other locations. I’m also considering it for our linen rooms located on each floor. It doesn’t hurt to have it there even if those rooms don’t get a lot of insects,” he adds.

A Hotel in Makati Uses Bug Off to Help Keep Bugs Away | MyBoysen

Boysen Bug Off is an insect-killing paint. It’s a water-based paint product formulated with pyrethroids. It’s harmless to humans but deadly to common household pests like mosquitoes, flies, and cockroaches.

To work, the insect simply needs to come in contact with the paint, such as when it lands or crawls on walls or ceilings, and the active ingredient starts to attack its nervous system eventually killing it. Bug Off is effective as soon as the paint dries and its insect-killing properties last for at least 2 years.

Bug Off can be painted on concrete walls, drywall, and ceilings. Use it on both interiors and exteriors. To get the best out of Bug Off, paint it where you notice pests like to crawl or land.

Where would you apply Bug Off? Learn more about this product at


Jill is a writer on a continuous journey to learn about paint and share them with you, the reader. She has an interest in the technical side of things but also thoroughly enjoys playing with colors. She likes calm greens, quiet blues, and mellow yellows best.

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