Rusting is a problem best dealt with now rather than later. If you’re new to conquering rust, this quick guide provides a good starting point. We’ll tell you which materials, tools, and products you’ll need to prepare. Plus, we’ll also give a brief overview of what you need to do with them to deal with the rust on your metal surface. Ready?

First, here is a list that includes the materials you’ll need for rust removal.

What You Need to Remove Rust

A List of Tools and Products You’ll Need to Remove Rust on Metal | MyBoysen

Tools and Materials

  • Sandpaper (120 to 140 grits)
  • Steel brush
  • Rags
  • Paintbrush (natural bristles)

How to Deal with Rust on Metal You Want to Paint | MyBoysen


  • Paint thinner
  • Boysen Metal Etching Solution

The above will help you carry out manual and chemical rust removal. You’ll need to do both if you want to ensure you get all the rust out. Remember, the problem will only come back (or even worsen) if you do not do a good enough job of removing or stabilizing the rusted areas.

How to Remove Rust

Manual Rust Removal

A List of Tools and Products You’ll Need to Remove Rust on Metal | MyBoysen

Manual rust removal is pretty straightforward. Scour and scrub the rusting areas with your sandpaper and steel brush. Remove as much of the rusting as you can. Depending on how much is on your metal, this may take several sheets of sandpaper.

If the rusting is only superficial, manual rust removal may be enough and you won’t have to do chemical rust surface treatment anymore. However, more often than not, there will be some rust left. How can you tell? As long as you still see reddish or orangish spots, you still have rust.

After using the sandpaper and steel brush, clean and wipe the surface so it’s free from dirt and sanding dust. Then, proceed to chemical rust removal.

Chemical Rust Removal

A List of Tools and Products You’ll Need to Remove Rust on Metal | MyBoysen

After manually removing the rust and cleaning the surface, a rust converter is applied. Rust converters come as a chemical solution. The solution reacts with the rust to stop it from spreading and causing further damage to the metal. In fact, you can even watch the red and orange spots slowly turn to black over a span of a few minutes—that’s the reaction happening in real time.

For this, use Boysen Metal Etching Solution. Use a natural bristle paint brush to apply it then wait for 10 to 15 minutes to allow enough time for the solution to react with the rust. After, thoroughly wash the area with clean water, then wipe the area with thinner using a rag.

The water and thinner will remove the chemical solution from the surface after it has done its job. It cannot be left on the metal as rust converter is a corrosive substance and can also damage your metal if not washed off.

What to Do for Rust Prevention

How to Deal with Rust on Metal You Want to Paint | MyBoysen

Protect your metal from rusting for as long as possible with protective and durable coatings of primer and paint.

Primer must be applied immediately after carrying out the chemical rust removal process to avoid flash rusting. Flash rusting is when rusting occurs on a metal surface immediately after you’ve done surface prep. For product recommendations, check out this blog post on Boysen metal primers.

After primer, look for a paint product with good corrosion resistance. Check out this blog post for Boysen metal paint recommendations.

If you have any questions or inquiries about Boysen products, our technical team will be happy to assist you. Send an email to or call (02) 8363-9738 local 413 to 418 during office hours for a one-on-one consultation.


Jill is a writer on a continuous journey to learn about paint and share them with you, the reader. She has an interest in the technical side of things but also thoroughly enjoys playing with colors. She likes calm greens, quiet blues, and mellow yellows best.

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