Go natural with your room palettes to create a home sweet home.
Beautifying a home is instinctive for most of us, just like the birds. Unlike birds however, we have the added advantage of all that knowledge we can find everywhere from books, magazines, social media, TV, friends, colleagues, family…
The Go Natural palette is one of my personal favorites. I love the organic feel that the colors bring to the home. It’s joyous, optimistic, soft, comforting, and very, very cozy.
Especially after the holiday rush, it would be wonderful to have clean, open spaces with neutral colors. It gives us the room to breathe and be, maybe even think (not overthink) about how we’d like our shiny, bright, new year to turn out, while still having that free spirit of allowing changes to happen as they will.
Use indoor plants to give your rooms that authentic natural touch. Nothing makes a place look more natural than Nature itself. If you have the space and the means, have an indoor garden.
If you want to know more about indoor plants, please read Joleena’s Top Five Trending Indoor Plants and Helen’s infographic on A Guide to House Plants.
Here are some beautiful rooms that would inspire you to have a fresh start.

Other Go Natural Palettes from Boysen
The Go Natural palette is not new to Boysen. In fact it’s a recurring theme because that is what concerns people around the world, and that is one of our concerns too.
Color Trend 2015 had Naturist. Color Trend 2016 had Renew.
Even the New Year’s palette last January 1 is also a natural one.
Environmental sustainability is not only a buzzword but a way of life for many of us. I’m sure the birds would be thankful if our tribe increases.