When you introduce 24 colors for the year, four palettes with six colors each, you can’t help but almost always be in a creative mode. One of the ways we got creative was to make a papercraft video using Color Trend 2018: BE BOYSEN colors.
Be Bold

Be Seen

Be Here

Be You

We replicated the eight interior styles in the papercraft video, two styles for each palette, as follows:
BE BOLD: Geometric Chic and Retro Vogue
BE SEEN: Pop Culture and Out There
BE HERE: Country Farmhouse and Modern Organic
BE YOU: French Contemporary and Timeless Minimalist
Papercraft Video
Behind the Scenes
It took three days to shoot instead of the allotted one day. It was more complicated than expected. The team worked long hours to get the paper rooms just right and to shoot. The artists were cutting for more than 12 hours. In the end, they couldn’t even open coffee sachets. My question is why didn’t they use their scissors? ?
Despite the difficulties and the tight deadline, the team had fun doing it and even had a contest between teams on who could make the most creative room set. In the end, everyone won.
Launch of Boysen Color Trend 2018 in SM Home Makati
We launched this year’s Color Trend in SM Home last March 1. Visit the bridgeway at the 5th floor of SM Makati to see five room setups to get more inspiration on how to combine the Boysen Color Trend 2018 with the furniture and accessories available at SM Home. These vignettes will be up until the end of March.