In the second installment of Boysen’s Set in Color Series to promote the latest color palettes, the team brought out their large scale sets right smack in the middle of the Ayala Center Cebu Terraces and on Mother’s Day no less.

What better way to showcase the BE BOLD palette from Boysen Color Trend 2018 than by being right in the center of Cebu’s biggest lifestyle and shopping destination. Plus, with families from all over the city descending upon Ayala Center Cebu to celebrate Mother’s Day, we were expecting droves of mall-goers with their husbands, wives and children in tow plus friends and extended family too.

The BE BOLD palette complemented perfectly with the mall’s summer vibe and the happy Mother’s Day mood in the air with refreshing and bright blues, playful pinks and violets and a burst of orange and yellow.

Disclaimer: These colors may not exactly match actual paint

We were not wrong! After the initial ‘is this free?’ inquiries and the typical spectator shyness, everyone started lining up for a turn to have their photos taken at the set. Our documentation team captured all sorts of interesting and fun shots of different people of various colors, shapes and sizes.

Aside from the young ones, the young once, the barkadas and couples, the best part was definitely the beautiful moms and their kids. We captured a lot of heartwarming and awww-inspiring (read: gigil) photos that leaves no doubt that our mothers are indeed very special to us. Even a simple trip to the mall becomes priceless and memorable and deserves to be immortalized with a picture. No matter how old or young you are, you’ll always look for mama.

Check out some of our favorite Mother’s Day photos with Mom and the whole Family. Go Team Mom!

It was truly a bright and beautiful day at the Ayala Terraces with the presence of all these families and the star – their mothers. Boysen was proud to be there, BOLD and IN FULL COLOR.

Discover more colors and read about the BE HERE palette at the Magellan’s Cross grounds.

Here’s to living a full life and experiencing everything with arms wide open.

Catch more Set in Color 2018 installations at different locations and destinations in Cebu City all this month. #MyBoysen #SetinColor




Copycarla is a freelance Copywriter, occasional Travel Writer, frustrated artist, and hopefully future author as soon as she stops slacking and starts writing her book. By day, she teaches college kids about advertising and creates design magic with her team at White Brick Creative Studio.

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