From developing eco-conscious products to practicing sustainable manufacturing processes, Boysen is a proud supporter of the environmental movement. This is why we are happy to celebrate World Wildlife Day this March 3! Today, we’re exploring wildlife in the Philippines and creating stunning color palettes inspired by vibrant local plants and animals.

This year’s theme is “Recovering key species for ecosystem restoration.” The spotlight is on critically endangered species of fauna and flora—learning about them, talking about them, and taking the crucial steps to reverse their fate and restore their habitat.

The Philippine Eagle

 Color Palette Inspiration: Wildlife in the Philippines | MyBoysen

Have you stopped to notice the bird depicted on a Boysen paint can? Yes, it’s the Philippine Eagle. A silhouette of the powerful bird in flight is part of the Boysen logo, a symbol of the company’s commitment to embody its spirit of excellence and strength.

Every Pinoy has reason to be proud of our National Bird too. Majestic in appearance and intimidating in size, the Philippine Eagle is a predator that yields to no other on land or in the sky. It is distinct and striking in appearance: long light brown feathers on its head look almost like a mane or a crown especially when standing up, sharp pale gray eyes, and a white belly that contrasts with its darker brown wings.

Unfortunately, however, it is now one of the rarest birds in the world and considered critically endangered. Found only in the Philippines, the extremely rapid decline in its numbers has led to just 400 pairs left in the wild. According to the Philippine Eagle Foundation, the destruction of our forests remains a major contributing factor to this.

Coral Reefs

 Color Palette Inspiration: Wildlife in the Philippines | MyBoysen

Our country boasts of some of the most stunning beaches. But, did you know there’s every reason to be proud of what we have a little further away from shore too? It’s in the Philippines that the world’s center for marine biodiversity can be found—in the Verde Island Passage between Batangas and Mindoro. Nowhere else is the marine life as rich and diverse. The critically endangered hawksbill turtle, dugong, and giant clam are just some of the species that call it home.

In the last 10 years, however, at least one-third of the coral reefs covering Philippine ocean floors have been damaged, according to research by local marine biologists. Human coastal modifications such as reclamation projects, destructive fishing techniques, overfishing, and pollution have caused coral reef destruction that will take much longer to repair than it did to destroy.

There is a vibrant world teeming with life in our oceans—a whole spectrum of colors in everything from red-orange corals to bright blue starfish. The palette above is just a small sample. Can you imagine losing such beauty?


 Color Palette Inspiration: Wildlife in the Philippines | MyBoysen

The Philippines is one of very few countries that are classified as mega-biodiverse. And, many of our precious endemic plants and animals live in our forests. Just from this blog post, we already touched upon forests as the home of our National Bird, the Philippine Eagle. To name another beloved animal, there’s also the tamaraw, found only in the Philippines, which has long been likened to embody the spirit of the Filipino people—hardy and fierce.

Deforestation due to human activities such as land conversion and unsustainable logging practices have greatly diminished this forest wildlife habitat. From almost 18 million hectares in 1934, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources estimates that there are now just 7 million hectares of forest cover left. This has had devastating effects not just on wildlife but on the climate too. Forests absorb vast amounts of carbon dioxide crucial to the prevention of global warming.

With all this though, there’s good news: no one’s giving up on our wildlife just yet. Public awareness and the creation and implementation of strict conservation laws will make a significant impact. So, appreciate the colorful world we live in and spread the word that we each need to do our part!

Boysen helps you be more eco-friendly when you paint. Learn how here: How to Paint and Be Eco-Friendly At the Same Time.


Jill is a writer on a continuous journey to learn about paint and share them with you, the reader. She has an interest in the technical side of things but also thoroughly enjoys playing with colors. She likes calm greens, quiet blues, and mellow yellows best.

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