Now that some home depots and hardwares are open, we’re back with a DIY video tutorial. This time it’s about how to make a feather duster textured wall.

Yes, you read it right. Feather duster. Watch how Kriz uses a palaspas to make some textures on a wall. I suggest you use a new one or you can clean your old feather duster thoroughly first before using it to paint your wall. You wouldn’t want dust particles mixed in your paint job, that’s why.

So you see, feather dusters are not only for cleaning.

Painting Textured Walls

If a textured wall is something you’d like to have in your home, there are many ways to achieve achieve this. You just need to choose the effect you want.

We made several video tutorials so if you don’t like to the feather duster approach, here’s a list of possibilities.

From Dark to Light with Ombre


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Achieve an interesting effect using monochromatic colors on your wall for that ombre effect.

Ombre can be easily achieved by using different tints or shades of the same color from dark to light. If you want to see a step-by-step guide from our DIY Diva Danica, click here to see her video tutorial. 

You can either follow a grid or just be freewheeling about it and achieve an effect similar to the above image.

Double the FunKrafty Kriz: Textured Wall

Don’t pop that bubble wrap. Instead, use it to make wall patterns. Click on the image to get you to the video tutorial by Kriz.

After the ECQ, it’s time to cue in some fun projects. Your home has kept you safe all these months so if you feel it’s time to refresh it, then giving your walls some love may be the answer. Who said you’d have to keep seeing the same four walls?

Don’t forget that painting your walls or other surfaces gives maximum impact for minimal investment.

Go Industrial

If you want that industrial chic, Boysen has a skimcoat called Konstrukt that can help you achieve that raw and rugged look.

This isn’t for DIY newbies though. Look at this Konstrukt tutorial to find out if you can handle the application.

If you want to see the impact of using Konstrukt products, check out this home. Perched on top of a hill which overlooks Metro Manila, it’s a perfect place to sit the quarantine out.

More Textured Wall Tutorials

There are many more DIY video tutorials in this blog. If you the time to do some research before you start your own DIY project, click on the links below for more textured wall ideas:

String Pattern Wall Accent
Corrugated Textured Wall
Chamois Rag-Rolling Technique
Faux Brick Wall

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Annie is the Managing Editor of Let it B | MyBoysen Blog. An unrepentant workaholic, she runs this blog, among other pursuits. She thrives on collaborating with people who are good at what they do, and working together with them to create something special. Annie learned interior styling while managing her own wholesale business in the Netherlands, importing high-end, handmade home furnishings to stock four outlets and a showroom in the country.

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