113 Results

color schemes


What color schemes can you try for your teen’s bedroom? Aqua and gold Peach and gold Navy neutrals Ombre walls Statement walls Teenagers go through a lot of changes in both their minds and bodies. This also applies to their personal style as well. Teenagers will start developing their own…

According to the interior design world, color drenching is back. Color drenching means that surfaces in a room—walls, ceilings, doors, trims, baseboards—are coated with the same color. It can go as far as having accessories, furniture, and fabrics in the same color. What’s more, most avant garde designers use bold…

An architecture and interior design trend shows that brutalism is making its way back into the scene. Brutalism belongs to the modern architecture of the 20th century that evolved from the Bauhaus movement of the early 20th century. Bauhaus focused on simplicity and functionalism and made use of concrete and…