If there are more than two of you living in a home, it would be better to color code your activity wall with paint instead of posting notes or important messages on one wall, or on the fridge.

How to Choose Colors for Your Activity Wall

We are usually democratic in our approach to choosing colors for our homes. Kids can choose the colors they like for their rooms, for example. So this could be a case of your spot, your color choice.

However, the colors may clash so to prevent an eyesore, the selection can be limited to a color palette that can work with the dominant color of the walls in the room.

For White or Off-White Walls

If you have white or off-white walls (#teamputi) , try this this bubble gum jelly bean palette. It looks refreshing and cheerful, something we can’t have too much of these days.

The Bubble Gum Jelly Bean Pastel Colors | MyBoysen

Click on the image to know more about the bubble gum jelly bean pastel colors.

For Industrial Interiors

Calling all #teamindustrial afficionados! Here’s a beautiful palette called ENLIGHTEN in Boysen Color Trend 2019 which would look great for modern concrete industrial style interiors.Color Code Your Activity Walls With Paint | MyBoysen

The palette is a perfect balance of cool and warm, and of dark and light colors. Industrial and concrete do not have to look hard and rough.

For Plant Lovers

This color palette is for the plantitos and plantitas. It is called RENEW and belongs to Boysen Color Trend 2016.

RENEW is as relevant today as it was in 2016. In fact, it is only now during the pandemic that the world has caught up with the beauty of greenery. People are now realizing the importance of nature and the environment and how much we need it for our health and well-being.

Other DIY Projects to Try

We have so many DIY video tutorials that you can look at either to use as inspiration or as a guide on how to do similar things in your home.

HONEY GOES HEALTHY, Episode 6: DIY Inspirational Wall

Inspirational walls are still favored by many homeowners. Get your favorite motto on the wall as a quick reminder, pick-me-up, or as your very own cheerleader encouraging you to keep going and making your dreams come true.

BOARDING BOYS, Episode 3: How to Paint a Faux Denim Wall

Do you want your walls to wear denim too? Follow this tutorial by the Boarding Boys.

Most students have gone home to their provinces a long time ago, and classes have been held online. Many miss the camaraderie and social interaction in school or with their co-boarders. Kids have celebrated their graduations also online. Things are not what they used to be. But all we can do is take each day as it comes. The day will come when we all get to enjoy the company of our friends and extended family face to face.

In the meantime, paint your walls to remind you of those good times.

BABY ON BOARD, Episode 3: How to Paint a Stencil Wall Mural

I love this stencil wall mural of white clouds against a wall painted a dark grey. This is so easy to do. You can either have a grid or just randomly paint a shape (or several shapes) all over the wall. I’m lazy so I would actually opt to paint shapes randomly. For stencils, you can download free ones from the internet.

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Annie is the Managing Editor of Let it B | MyBoysen Blog. An unrepentant workaholic, she runs this blog and her own company Talking Lions (https://talkinglions.com). She thrives on collaborating with people who are good at what they do, and working together with them to create something special. Annie learned interior styling while managing her own wholesale business in the Netherlands, importing high-end, handmade home furnishings to stock four outlets and a showroom in the country.

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