One of the most read articles in this blog is Paint Finish: What Does Sheen, Gloss, or Kintab in Paints Mean? It is about the different sheens of the Boysen…
Infographics are a special breed of images in that they are visual and highly functional, explaining sometimes complicated ideas in pictures. A good infographic is effective when it tells in…
Painting may seem to be an easy process, and it is once you’ve understood the process. The following may add to the complexity: different types of surfaces that need (re)painting…
Here’s a guest post from Shannen Murphy about 15 scents to help you sleep. Aromatherapy is such a big thing today, with so many scents, organic or synthetic, available in…
We’ve made an infographic about Boysen’s paint finishes for all you DIYers out there. This is also for professionals just in case you want to have a primer for paint…
Before you make any expensive upgrades in your homes, see what the interior design trends are for 2018. Read on advice from interior design experts about metallics, textures, dark woods,…
Carrying out any home improvement project at home requires thought, effort and of course, budget. Home improvement projects can vary from the small such as a feature wall addition with…
Household cleaning is a task that very few people look forward to but it is something that has to be done. This infographic from HappyCleans looks at cleaning from a…
Aside from bedroom paint ideas, we’d like to bring you more tips on how to decorate your bedroom. Here is a guest post about bedroom plants from Taylor Jones, Director…
Sometimes you don’t have a full day to clean the house. Even if you did, you would likely not want to waste it on cleaning, right? This infographic from Half…