Mark your calendars because Philconstruct Visayas is happening in the next few days. If you’re toying with the idea of renovating your space, take this as a sign to take the leap. Phiconstruct Visayas has a lot of construction suppliers lined up for you from roofing, floorings, and of course, paint.

Philconstruct Visayas 2023

Invitation to Philconstruct Visayas 2023 | MyBoysen

Like the previous Philconstruct Visayas expo, this year will be held at the Waterfront Cebu City Hotel & Casino. The event is a 3-day jam-packed expo happening from June 22 to 24. That’s from Thursday to Saturday! It’s best to visit on weekdays for less foot traffic in the venue.

Boysen Color Library

I know how far Waterfront Cebu is from the main area of the city. Don’t worry, we’ll make your trip worthwhile! Here’s a sneak peek of what’s in store for your when you drop by our booth, the Boysen Color Library.


Invitation to Philconstruct Visayas 2023 | MyBoysen

We’ve been posting a lot about our Colorbooks on our Facebook page. But, our concept store, The Color Library, is located aaaaall the way in Metro Manila. Well, we’re bringing the Colorbooks all the way to Cebu with our booth! We have hundreds of actual painted panels in the booth for you to browse through. All the panels were painted with Boysen Permacoat Semi-Gloss finish which can be applied in both interior and exterior surfaces. So if you’re planning to change the color of your walls, don’t forget to check these out!

Special Finishes

Invitation to Philconstruct Visayas 2023 | MyBoysen

Add extra flair to your living space by painting an accent wall. We’ll be featuring our decorative paint finishes in the Boysen Color Library, too. You can see special finishes such as DECORe Classic, DECORe Perlescente, and Marmorino up close and personal through actual painted panels. Looking for something that’s more minimal? We also have a shelf dedicated to Konstrukt Lunar Series. It’s a collection of faux cement finish using Konstrukt products that can help you achieve that modern, industrial look in your home.

…And More!

Invitation to Philconstruct Visayas 2023 | MyBoysen

We already have over 400 Colorbooks all over the Boysen Color Library, what more can you ask for? Well, we like to go beyond people’s expectations. Take your time to go around the 54 square meter space of the Boysen booth. We’ve packed it with color, useful information, and everything else in between that you need about paint! Hot tip: the tables in the middle of the Boysen booth have pull out drawers on each side!

See You There!

No need to get overwhelmed with paint and color when you get there. Take the time to go around. Take pictures and tag us on Instagram! And if you have any questions on paints and colors, we have several Boysen Marketing and Technical Service personnel inside the booth to help you. If you feel a bit shy, send us an email instead at We’re always happy to help. See you in Philconstruct Visayas 2023!


Inah is an avid overplanner with a manic desire to organize everything. She dedicates most of her time and attention to her two chunky dogs, Prince and Peanut. If there's a bit of extra time on hand, she will spring clean her entire house.

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