I’ve always struggled with some form of anxiety, but I think it got worse during the pandemic. The social isolation, the uncertainty of my family and friends’ health and safety, and the added responsibilities of running my household has really taken a toll on my physical and mental wellbeing. It always starts out small. I clench my jaws and my shoulders. I can’t seem to get a good night’s sleep. I feel like there are butterflies in my stomach (and not the kilig kind). Since then, I’ve taken a step back and examined all the small habits that make up my daily wellness routine. Take a look down below on the little habit changes that I’ve incorporated into my routine to help keep me a little bit healthier, physically and mentally.

Pick Green Tea over Coffee

Wellness Routine Switches at Home | MyBoysen

Now, before anyone raises their pitchforks over this statement, calm down. Ever since I started working I’ve over-relied on the sweet, sweet life-giving liquid that is coffee. It doesn’t help that there’s free-flowing coffee at work either. But since making the switch, I’ve noticed that I get less jittery throughout the day, and that I don’t get that mid-afternoon slump as I crash. The biggest plus for me is that I get to sleep better at night too. If you really just can’t give up that cup of joe, at least try to limit yourself to just one cup to start your day. Drink more water or tea instead of coffee. Stay hydrated, homies.

Exercise over Netflix

Wellness Routine Switches at Home | MyBoysen

The moment I get home, the last thing I honestly want to do is pick up some dumbbells to work out. (I just can’t get into morning workouts no matter how many “billionaire habits” articles I read.)  One thing that worked for me is tracking my physical activities. I put a little star on my journal for every day I work out and I feel just a little bit more motivated to continue my streak! Not to mention, I don’t have to shimmy into my jeans anymore and I feel stronger. Can’t seem to give up on your fave shows on Netflix or Studio B? Hit two birds with one stone by turning on your fave show while working out!

Healthier Food over Junk

Wellness Routine Switches at Home | MyBoysen

I get it, we’re in the middle of a worldwide crisis. The last thing people want to do is munch on some salad instead of a bag of chips. Just a few months ago, I was all aboard that boat too. Every crucial trip to the grocery must include a visit to the snack section. Muttering, “I deserve this,” as I skim through the aisles for my next fix. Try to pick the healthier snack alternatives like fresh fruit and vegetables. There’s a lot of resources online where you can read up on how to incorporate whole foods into your wellness routine. While it may be excruciatingly hard at first (wow, dramatic), know that you’ll thank yourself later.

Wellness Routine in a Nutshell

Your mind and body are deeply connected. How you treat your body will reflect the state of your mind in some way. I’ve discovered that by building up my wellness routine through these switches and activities, my mind is less cluttered and anxious. There are a ton of other ways to do this, but these are just some ideas that personally worked for me.

All the colors we featured above are available from the Healthy Home paint base. It’s a low-odor, low-VOC, water-based paint that is formulated to have antibacterial properties. This provides an added defence against bacteria and other things like mold and fungi. Keep both your body and your home, healthy.

Are there any other things that worked for you? Write it down in the comment section to let us know.


Inah is an avid overplanner with a manic desire to organize everything. She dedicates most of her time and attention to her two chunky dogs, Prince and Peanut. If there's a bit of extra time on hand, she will spring clean her entire house.


  1. Thanks for sharing your experience. It’s so motivational.. I will try to follow some of it.
    Netflix with exercises sounds fun.. ?

    • Robina Gicabao Reply

      Thanks, Roxane! It’s more motivating to work out sometimes if you have a good show going on hehe

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