For this love month, Let it B presents a new webisode entitled I ❤ Me with Alex as our heroine.
The country these days is entering a frenzy in anticipation of Valentine’s Day. People in love relationships have bought gifts, made reservations for dates, cleared their calendars…all in readiness for the red-letter day. For some, it’s a sincere effort to show the beloved how much they care. For others, it’s more of a duty; there is that pressure to follow the norm. Other people celebrate it because they want to have fun. For many commercial establishments, the love month is considered an opportunity to improve the bottom line.
Let it B ❤
Here in Let it B, it’s a time to chill, and just be yourself and be by yourself, doing things you’d love to do in the comfort of your lovely nest if that’s what you want.
Feeling love can mean so many things to different people. In Alex’s case, it is tidying up her home, putting order to memories, decorating her nest with things that she’d like to have on show instead of having them stuffed in a box under the couch.
Follow the journey of Alex –
Episode 1, The Joy of Self-Love
Episode 2, Make Your Own Photo String Board
Episode 3, Make Your Own Ticket Memory Box
Episode 4, Make Your Own Crate Shelf
Episode 5, Make Your Own Photo Breakfast Tray
Episode 6, Make Your Own Chalkboard Calendar
Episode 7, Enjoy Your Creative Fruits
Episode 8, Summary