We’re just a couple of weeks away from the much awaited Chinese New Year. And while the Tsinoy community only makes up less than 5% of the Philippine population, I think we can all agree that some key aspects of Chinese culture have been deeply ingrained in both Tsinoys and Pinoys alike. More than just being tikoy season, consider Chinese New Year as regular new year part 2…but with extra steps. Here, we’ll tackle some basic traditions and practices on how to prep your home for Chinese New Year.
Spring Cleaning
Bust out those brooms, dust pans, and singing small birds and mammals because it’s time to get into some much needed spring cleaning. Important reminder: you’re not allowed to clean on the day of the Chinese New Year. It’s so that you don’t sweep out the good juju from your home. So, you better start mopping! The act of cleaning not just “purges” your home from the past, it gives your living space a clean slate to start the new year with.
Painting the Town Red
If there’s one color that’s deeply associated with all things Chinese, it’s red. Open the wardrobe of any Tsinoy and you’d definitely find at least one bright red shirt that they wear during Chinese celebrations (like new years and birthdays). However, one quintessential red-colored item stands head and shoulders above the rest—the angpao. No Chinese New Year celebration is complete without this key item! Chaching!
In Full Bloom
More than just making sure your home is neat and tidy for the incoming new year, decorate your living space with fresh flowers for an extra dose of good luck. Some popular options (that are easily accessible here in the Philippines) are orchids! Among its many meanings, orchids have come to represent abundance and wealth in the Chinese culture.
Fruity Fever
The Chinese always put rounded fruits on a pedestal. My mom is often in a panic to acquire as many rounded fruits as possible during the new year’s holiday. Fill your fruit basket with traditionally appropriate Chinese New Year goodies such as mandarin oranges and pomelos. You can also get those tiny oranges called ponkiats! These fruits make for a great tabletop ornament, and a delicious post-dinner snack.
Some Final Thoughts
As I mentioned before, color is such an important aspect in Chinese New Year. Why not try your hand at repainting your living space with some auspicious colors before the new year comes along? If you’re wondering what your lucky colors are for the new year, don’t worry, we’ll be publishing one soon so stay tuned! For the meantime, if you have any questions about paint or colors, send us an email at ask@myboysen.com.
Fancy decorations and sumptuous feasts are just some of the things to look forward too in the Chinese New Year. (And the angpaos, of course!) But, for this upcoming celebration, more than the food and the festivities, it’s still all about welcoming the new year with friends and family. The Let it B team greets each and everyone of you a prosperous and auspicious Chinese New Year. 恭喜發財!
Feature image by Jason Leung on Unsplash