Life can get gloomy but if there was ever a day we can allow ourselves to be happy it’s March 20 a.k.a. International Day of Happiness! We thought we would celebrate it this year the Boysen way—with a joyous explosion of color. Are there hues associated with happiness and well-being? Let’s find out!
Happiness in Recent Times
“Happiness is a fundamental human goal,” says the United Nations. It’s only right that it gets its own special day. The International Day of Happiness has been around since 2013 as a way to “recognize the importance of happiness in the lives of people around the world,” reads the UN website.
Recent events may have made more and more of us realize just how much we need more of it in our lives too. Per the 2022 World Happiness Report, “interest in happiness and subjective well-being has risen sharply.”
And yes, the effects of the pandemic were taken into account. Research analyzing data from social media showed a significant increase in anxiety and sadness during the pandemic. “These changes in anxiety and sadness were positively related to the incidence of COVID-19 itself and the stringency of anti-COVID measures,” says the report.
As of writing, the 2023 World Happiness Report is yet to be released. Hopefully, the report bears better news as we slowly rise from the pandemic. For now, let’s see if we can glean any wisdom about happiness from colors.
Finding Joy in Colors

Also in the 2022 World Happiness Report are the findings of significant research on the role genetics play in one’s happiness. “Some people will be born with a set of genetic variants that makes it easier to feel happy, while others are less fortunate,” says the report.
So yes, some are more likely to lean towards a negative disposition. It turns out, the “think positive” mindset really is easier said than done sometimes. The takeaway? Be kind to yourself and others. Don’t beat yourself up for feeling blue or failing to be able to see the silver lining. It’s alright if happiness takes a bit of effort. Here are shades of pink as a reminder to be kinder!
Green and blue

We often associate excitable and energetic emotions with happiness but it looks like subtle feelings contribute to well-being as well, particularly feelings of calm, peace, and harmony. “Recent research shows how significant these emotions contribute to overall life satisfaction,” says the report. So, keep the stress at bay! It’s for your own good. Here are greens and blues to help you get to that state of tranquility and balance.

Being the undisputed happiest color, we can’t miss out on featuring yellow. It’s the color of sunshine and sunflowers. And it signifies cheer, hope, and optimism. Need I say more? If a room needs a little brightening, even a splash of yellow can instantly uplift it. For hallways and other small spaces, yellow can also give the illusion of a bigger space that is welcoming and expansive. Say yes to a happier home!
Happiness may have been more difficult to come by these past few years but there’s no reason to lose hope in the future. To circle back to the quote from the UN, happiness is a fundamental human goal. You bet we’ll keep striving for it. Happy International Day of Happiness!
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