We’re racing towards the end of November and the jolly good tidings of Christmas have the Philippines in a tight vice grip. It’s time for some fun, food, and festivities all the way through December. And January, if you count eating leftover spaghetti and roast chicken from all those Christmas parties. Christmas is such a fun but chaotic season. Yes, you finally get to have a family reunion. But at the same time, “Oh no!” it’s another family reunion. It’s your nosy aunts and uncles‘ time to shine with their overtly personal questions about your love life.

In our last Manifestation Series, we started with manifesting peace with serene and tranquil colors. This time around, let’s manifest some love. Or, love life, to be exact. There’s nothing wrong with single blessedness (that is also a form of peace, to be honest). But sometimes, you just want the “Kailan ka mag kakaboyfriend?” questions to stop. Here is the Manifestation Series: The Color Palette of Love. Let’s go!

BCP-1088 Childhood Crush

Manifesting Series: The Color Palette of Love | MyBoysen
Disclaimer: Swatch may not match actual paint color.

Do you still remember your childhood crush? I do. And it’s not because I’m still into him or anything like that. There’s just something so pure and innocent about your first love. Using the term “love” loosely here, of course. It’s about the carefree days of your youth where you’re easily put into a good mood when you catch a glimpse of your crush in the classroom or school hallways.

Capture that bright and carefree feeling again with the deep coral shade of Childhood Crush.

BCT17-7716S Techy Romantic

Manifesting Series: The Color Palette of Love | MyBoysen
Disclaimer: Swatch may not match actual paint color.

A lot of people seem to be turned off by or afraid of online dating. It’s been more difficult to find potential dates these days. Why not make use of the technology we have? There are people who are seeking actual, meaningful relationships through dating apps and websites. You just have to have a lot of patience and a dose of good luck to find a good match.

Keep an open mindset on online dating with the dusty peach hue of Techy Romantic.

BCP-1250 Romantic Night

Manifesting Series: The Color Palette of Love | MyBoysen
Disclaimer: Swatch may not match actual paint color.

Are you ready to take the next step with someone you’re already dating? Set a romantic night for the both of you to get to know each other more. But more than the kilig-filled surprises and sweet nothings, true romance blooms from the mundane everyday things. Any night can be a romantic one with the right partner. Need to get some groceries? Running some errands for the family? Make it a date.

Fan the flames of a blooming romance with the deep, passionate red hue of Romantic Night.

Manifesting a Love Life This Christmas Season

Real talk coming through here. You shouldn’t feel pressured to bring someone home to your family reunions just for the sake of it. You can’t rush love like it’s a hill to die on. Take the time to know a potential partner before jumping into a relationship. Marupok yarn? Know your boundaries and lay them all out before you invest more in a relationship. It can save you from potential heartbreak later on.

If you want a closer look at the Color Palette of Love, the colors are all  to be found as Colorbooks at Boysen’s concept store, The Color Library. Drop by if you have some time! Do you have any other questions on paints, colors, or love (just kidding)? Send us an email at ask@myboysen.com. We’re always happy to help. Don’t forget to subscribe to the blog, too. Happy painting!


Inah is an avid overplanner with a manic desire to organize everything. She dedicates most of her time and attention to her two chunky dogs, Prince and Peanut. If there's a bit of extra time on hand, she will spring clean her entire house.

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